World map is very choppy since the last patch
GTX670 SLI and i used to never drop below 45 FPS regardless of where i am and how many zergers are infront of me in WvW.
now just standing still in Orr with no other player infront of me and just looking at a static land i can drop below 20 fps.
(edited by Bloody.8769)
I thought noticed a drop in frames per second in WvW too since this last update.
I’m having the same thing. Running the game off an SSD does make it manageable, but by god, tried it off my old 1 TB 5400 RPM HDD and it was horrible.
Grandmaster Cartographer. Scraping walls like no other.
I don’t know what’s the policy against bumping threads but this needs to get adressed.
Grandmaster Cartographer. Scraping walls like no other.
NOTE: This has been solved for Nvidia users (me atleast) with the new 306.23 WHQL drivers!
Grandmaster Cartographer. Scraping walls like no other.
And don’t know how or why.. but it’s back again. -.-
Grandmaster Cartographer. Scraping walls like no other.