World vs. World bonuses not applied in PvE

World vs. World bonuses not applied in PvE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

This has been an issue since the Edge of the Mists patch, and I’m surprised it hasn’t been fixed yet. Surely it’s been reported, right?

Since Edge of the Mists, the bonuses that servers earn for their World vs. World scores are no longer being applied. This includes the bonus HP, increased endurance regen, crafting bonus, the chance to gain extra harvesting node uses, everything.

Does this have something to do with the change that lets you see your WvW standings even on overflow servers? I’d hoped that implementing that change would allow my bonuses to carry over to those overflows where normally they’d go away. Instead, the bonuses just seem to have vanished entirely, even on my home server!

World vs. World bonuses not applied in PvE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ZBeeblebrox.4928


Yeah, I had noticed this as well. I was wondering why I was never getting more than three hits on a mining node, even on a Thursday when the percentages were high. At first I thought they might’ve taken the bonuses out entirely, but I looked and they’re still listed there on the score screen.

Definitely think something is broken with them.

World vs. World bonuses not applied in PvE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sligh.2789


OK, they are aware of the bug as of 22 days ago when an Anet employee from the (wait for it) Arenanet QA team said they would get back to us with an update. To date, nothing from them.
When you hover your cursor over the WVW “rook” icon in the upper left of your screen, and you see [World vs. World"B"], you are not getting the bonuses that are listed, on the second tab, of the WvW detailed score screen.

Having lived with this bug for 6 months when the game first launched, it was a pleasure to find out that all were affected out of WvW, instead of just a few people like me in the first iteration. Imagine not getting the avg. 10% bonus to gold, XP, gathering, health, defense, etc while the rest of the world had the edge for 6 months.
This time, they have at least acknowledged the bug. I personally was hoping for some type of update within three weeks, but whatever.
I am not sure, but I think as they are moving along with the game, they are rewriting code, and it is not meshing well with the game code that the game was based on. It is a regular occurrence for bugs to reappear after a patch, without any QC checks in place.
Well any way, they are looking at it, so we just have to wait for them to fix it.
After not getting these bonuses the first iteration of the bug, I never really had the gumption to go help in WvW, as I never got any rewards, and, really, I was 10% behind everybody that had it for 6 months more than I did.

(edited by Sligh.2789)