Wurm Heads Timer Global Bug

Wurm Heads Timer Global Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Taisia.2813


Dear Anet,

When the timer begins on the fight with the 3 heads of the Giant Wurm, they are invulnerable for 10 seconds with no exception. This is apparently not working as intended. Otherwise why would you give the players 2 minutes to begin with? Those 10 seconds are so crucial yet wasted as a result. As you know with very very hard work and our best people we’ve been able to beat them once within an inch of the timer running out. We believe the 2 minute limit is very reasonable and challenging as long as it is fully given to us.

Can you please consult the team in charge of this encounter and elaborate on this?

Thank you

Wurm Heads Timer Global Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crystal Reid

Crystal Reid

Game Designer

Thanks for reporting this. I’ll add this to my list of issues to investigate.

Wurm Heads Timer Global Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Taisia.2813


Thank you very much Crystal. If it would help, we’d be more than happy to demonstrate the issue on Desolation server at your convenience. I think it’s visible in our live streams as well.

Wurm Heads Timer Global Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Taisia.2813


at 16:13 you can see this issue. It’s a bit hectic of course but if you look carefully in full HD resolution, you’ll notice that when the timer starts the heads’ HPs are still busy aligning and filling up. By the time they are maxed out and they start “accepting” damage the timer is already down to 1 minutes 50 seconds.