Wurm Invulnerable Bug

Wurm Invulnerable Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arkkoh.9781


- The wurm head goes invulnerable when he transitions to phase 2 and the event fails (we killed it at 1 second remaining)

- This was on US Overflow
- This occurred to us at our 7 PM Server Time wurm run.
- This happened at the Amber Head
- We got all the wurms to critical and got into the last burn, we killed a wurm head at 1 second remaining and the event failed but the wurm head itself was decapitated and started to run around invulnerable.
- There was no time increase, the “1 minute” window that you get for decapitating a head
- After the wurm got to full hp, as he regens running around.
- Even now he’s still there (9:45 PM Server time)

I provided a video of it running around invulnerable. Can provide more screenshots if needed.


LE1: Added the 9:46 Pm Screenshot


(edited by Arkkoh.9781)

Wurm Invulnerable Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stormcrow.7513


Very annoying to have this event bugged with all the planning and time involved.
I hope Anet fixes this issue very soon

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Wurm Invulnerable Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sligh.2789


I was there, Evan showed up to watch it run around gaining health while invulnerable.
This was my forst time running this boss with TTS, and they had all angles covered until the bug killed our ability to complete the event.
I have just about had it with GW2 being a permanent Alpha release. QA need a person to run it?

Wurm Invulnerable Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sentinel.5731


can confirm, was there. Was a shame that it glitched like it did

Morvik Dragonslayer
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