WvW AoE targetting
first all siege can be countered no matter where it is.
there are stuff like auto target that makes dragon tooth hit inside keeps and then there is changes to your screen that gives a diffrent view(legit way) and there is a way that is not legit to do that gives a better screen viewand if your haveing an ac akittens max range with peak then they should not be able to hit you from further away with a ac without a cheat.
they are doing stuff to get the cheaters but they cant be all places at all times and stopping hacks can be very hard for being possible as we cant stop hackers for going into military data bases(with what should be the highest level of securety) your expecting a game company to do it then? if they can i would place them incharge of securing our miletary and infra structur instead of a game as both are more impportent in my oppinion;)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
(edited by Korsbaek.9803)
I am pointing out what is happening. It is only my problem if I log in and play. I have other options. WvW here is a lot of fun at times. As I pointed out, those times are becoming less frequent. It is GW2s problems. They need the average player to play their game. Few can ruin it for the many. GW2 loses far more than me. It would be in their best interest to clean this up.
If the same people that are hacking our Nation’s defense networks is hacking or borderlands then I will give GW2 a pass and accept it. I doubt that is the case.
I watched the people log from my friends list when our garrison fell. Not the only one that was kitten ed. The challenge of holding that keep against the bigger force is what we were looking forward to. Their force was not that much bigger than us. When they took out all of our siege like that it was over before the fight began. Total waist of money to build siege, upgrade camps and keeps.
The end result is people quit upgrade camps, towers and keeps. Like major sports, to compete with cheaters you have to cheat. You cant wait till everyone is cheating to stop it. Now is the time to stop it.
(edited by mikoe.6574)
i know that cheating is needed to stop but i also know how dam hard it can be to stop given that anet needs to find the holes in there system to close them to stop the cheats from working, banning is only a temp salution in my oppinion and getting the hacker can be very hard for them as they need to know if they are cheating and im also gessing they will not ban anyone before they find the hole in there system its useing so they can close it and ban the people useing it after;)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele