WvW Citadel Treb: Bug or Feature

WvW Citadel Treb: Bug or Feature

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dirac.1307


There are places in citadel near the spawn where trebs can be built that can attack the NE tower. These trebs can wipe siege and bring down at least one wall. At first, I assumed this was a bug. However, it is something that should be a relatively simple fix that has gone completely unaddressed for so long, I’m now wondering if its intentional. I’ve read a number of arguments that this is a legitimate way to help out servers that have been completely overwhelmed.
I’d like to know what the opinions of the community are or, even better, get a dev to chime in on this. I’ve had this happen enough to me recently that its starting to give a clear advantage to whoever is willing to do it and if it is a feature, its definitely going into my playbook.

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