but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
WvW EBG undermap exploit
but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
yep. im there too. its happening under the umber supply camp from there to the bravost sentry, and from danelon supply camp to quentin lake tower
The only way to check is if a CMD from their server can do a /supplyinfo check and see their names.
I was playing on Yaks Bend the other day and had the same issue in the Green Keep. Someone was under the floor of Lowlands and could attack you in the area of the waypoint. We were able to use an AC to drive off or kill the person but it was annoying since you can’t see/target the person to report them.
This is also happening on Hills on the border lands. Walls fully up and Lord being pulled next to the wall and being killed. Watch this happened, you would say theif, but when I called the zerg to check it out we got numbers from the otherside of the wall that you would not be able to access normally.
I play on a macbook pro so you can imagine my loading screen times, when I load the WvW map sometimes it loads me under the map, this could be what happened to them and now they’re exploiting it. Getting loaded under the map needs to be fixed in general.