WvW Point totals and display bar INCORRECT
I’ve just noticed this a while ago, but I didn’t have the time to investigate it further. I’ve noticed it first because in our matchup, apparently nobody owns Stonemist Castle. But according to the livemap of the mos-website, we own it since three days. Also, the point-tick that’s displayed ingame differs from the one that’s displayed on the website. However, the current total points are the same, so I guess it’s just a display-bug ingame.
I do have an idea that it might have to do with objects being claimed by guilds (our Stonemist Castle is claimed for example, among some other objects), but I can’t check it thoroughly right now since I need to go sleep. I’ll do that tomorrow, in case nobody else did until then.
Speaking of WvW bugs
I don’t know if it’s faithleap quarry (either way… the north west camp in one of the borderlands), occasionally doesn’t give you any credit for capturing it – even if you’re standing in the middle of the capturing circle and you killed some of the veterans. To make sure I got credit I would even look at my wxp points only to find I got ZERO wxp when the camp was captured. When it’s bugged like this, the capture bar won’t even show – that’s when you know you won’t get any credit :-(
The thing is though, sometimes it’s bugged, sometimes it’s not, it’s very weird and inconsistent. And I make sure I’m standing in the middle of the capping circle and killed a few vets – still, doesn’t make a scrap of difference. It’s happened to me 2 or 3 times now :-/
Yeah, after investigation more I think the display is what is off, as the other teams keep numbers are okay, but our eb keeps are not being counted.
Another horrible wvw problem is that when you try WP to any wp other than the hill wp, it brings you to the hill wp. (Like trying to wp into sm from a BL; it wont let you)
Multiple posts about this, no response from devs.
Multiple posts about this, no response from devs.
Of course not. Its WvW. Devs only seem to answer to PVE content related issues.
Instead of burying their heads in the sand, at least an acknowledgement would be nice.
We are aware of this issue and are looking into it. To confirm: you are correct, this affects the display only, not the actual scores.