WvW Que
Wvw queue is absolutely terrible.
Well guess what, after waiting i decided i can not sit waiting for hours more so i done a event, the Storyline one and missed the Que pop! Thanks Devs!
Now im Que’d again, must be nearly 4hours now ive tried to enter WvW, what a let down it really is.
queue’s are bugged and they refuse to admit it =/
Well i give up , all night ive tried to get into WvW, all night, fail system or what, yea it may have WvW but it doesnt work!
Maybe you’re just on heavily populated realms? I never have a queue.
Solution for getting queues, if you want to wvw all the time come to a medium pop server, no queues.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
And queues arnt bugged as far as i can tell. The really popular servers have literally 3-4 hour queues for wvw in primetime. When you requeue you reset yourself in that queue, so dont do that if you want in.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
The Server is Medium populated.
Guild members have been in and left numerous times too.
The Que IS bugged without a doubt as ive found out last few days.