WvW Queue

WvW Queue

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Posted by: dwright.4081


Whenever I queue for WvW I will wait for hours on end. I have been into WvW maybe a couple of times but that’s only after waiting for hours.

Sometimes I wonder if I really am queued or its bugged. Other people in my guild say they rarely have to wait….. I’m not so lucky.

Is there a trick to queueing (possible in overflow and normal?), or can I queue for more then one WvW area at the same time because there is no indication that shows me (but can it be done).

Once I am in the queue can I leave (how?) because I don’t want to accidentally hit enter WvW when I am button mashing a boss in a dungeon.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Kal.2376


I would LOVE an option to queue for all WvW maps. I don’t care which one I get into, I just want to bash skulls.

Maps other than eternal battlegrounds usually have less queue. There is no way to leave a queue (as far as I know), but you can queue to another map. More queue options would be great (estimated time, multiple queues).

WvW Queue

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Posted by: TDHKC.2738


There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to when people get let into WvW either. There’s been multiple times when guildmates have queued after me for the same map, only to be let in before me.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Cameirus.8407


WvWvW needs a massive pop increase in line with server side increases, right now 5hour queues.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: DarqStalker.1925


Wish there was a way to see which WvW bgs you are queued for. An estimated time when you will be able to enter. Place in line in the queue. Ability to leave queue.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Max Lexandre.6279

Max Lexandre.6279

WvW needs us to see our Queue Position and also, something else for spread players for instances (like the underground) for free slots, or players still will start to be mad at waiting HOURS for get in.

I’m The Best in Everything.
Asura thing.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Ond.5087


At least make queues account wide, so we can queue while leveling lowbie characters, but switch to whatever chars we want to play when we finally get in.

Also sitting in a queue for 3 hours, getting in, then losing internet for 2 minutes will kick you out, and you have to wait another 3 hours. Please give people a 10 minute grace period or something to reconnect.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Vehementi.1094


I just queued for 20 minutes and got in ahead of people waiting for the same map for hours. People who queued before me are still waiting, 1 hour later.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: SevenSwords.3124


Having to wait hours to join my guild in battle is very frustrating, since it is the main reason I bought GW 2. Knowing your position in queue would be nice. Getting kicked out of the game due to internet/game issues and then having to re queue is very irritating, so hopefully something can be done about that.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: CptUndies.9815


If these wait times are working as intended (45min+) then shouldn’t the game be called Guild Queues?

Seriously, I understand the game has just launched, but ANet, you should have known the demand (because of the BWEs) and allowed for it. Just waiting for the demand for WvWvW to decrease isn’t going to be adequate.

I suggest you don’t close this thread saying it isn’t a bug because it is a bug. Saying it isn’t a bug is admitting you over-sold the game. The WvWvW feature is bugged because many people can’t use it. A lot of us don’t have 45min+ to wait to meet up with their guild. Scheduling a guild event with these queues is completely impractical.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Bjeardoe.6189


Yes, we should be able to see our Queue position, and have an ETA for when approximately we’ll be allowed in match. Also, either time limits need to be placed on competitors to free up a slot for another, or the player caps in WvW instances need to be significantly increased, preferably, both.

80 Asura Guardian, Jade Quary
Founder of Forlorn Souls [FS]

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Max Lexandre.6279

Max Lexandre.6279

As I said in the other Topic:

“Queues may go close do 4Hours as I already waited for (yesterday), and when it asks for travel we usualy are in a middle of a story mode or event (that’s my case) and it’s very frustrating, when I’m bored and want WvW I can’t, when I’m doing something the Queue Asks me for travel.

I would suggest INSTANCES like Underground in Eternal Battlegrounds, for spread he WvW Pop in that instances and they fight there, and that will also free slots in the Main WvW Maps…
Also most of the WvW maps are empty, all players are in Zergs in that X area, what makes the WvW experience, Lag, Confusion and Not that fun… I guess if there was something for spread players arround the map and not all in zergs in an place WvW would be an awesome experience as it was intended by the DEVs for sure.
(Because I don’t think DEVs want Zergs of 50 players what is laggy and confusing be all like “FLOODING” the Map)"

I’m The Best in Everything.
Asura thing.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Markcub.9741


The WvWvW queue mechanism is very broken and is making a lot of people in my guild very sad.

It isn’t the fact that there are queues, it isn’t the fact that they are far too long.

It is the fact that they don’t seem to be queues at all! Random entry.

You can queue for the same WvWvW zone, and someone who queues after you will get in first.

Someone will sit for 3 or 4 hours, and not get in, someone else will get in in 15 minutes.

This is nonsense and needs fixing ASAP. It is the single biggest complaint in our guild.

The second issue is crashing/disconnecting while in WvWvW and when you reconnect having to queue all over again.

There needs to be a grace period where if you re-queue, you get straight back in.

Lastly, people will feel less frustrated if they could see an estimated time and/or position in the queue. At least they could see it changing, and know that they are progressing. As it is now, you cannot tell if it is bugged, or what.

Guild Wars 2 is great, I love it. But please please at least acknowledge that this is a problem? I’ve not seen it anywhere in status updates or reports.

Kind regards,

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Spug.2813


Classic Example of all mentioned above.

Last night, I started queuing at 17:30 BST, Shortly afterwards MarkCub started queuing, together with some other guildies. They got in after 15 mins, and started WvW’ing. I queued till 21:00, then logged. This has been the theme for the week.

We’ve tried a number of things to speed up the queue.
standing still, and not PvE’ing, Relogging every 30-45 mins and requeuing in the hope it puts us somewhere else in the queue. Zoning multiple times… None of it seems to help.

Please Please do something about this…

WvW Queue

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Posted by: rhodoc.2381


All 4 borderlands should be seperate Queue so you can slowly go into eternal if you wanna after borderlands

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Razelorux Nobillious.3289

Razelorux Nobillious.3289

I’ve come to realise that if you don’t do anything while in queue you will get in faster. What I mean is: don’t participate in events or don’t do the ’’heart-thingy-quests’’ it works for me, I have to wait only 20 mins, while when doing something it takes hours.

- Guardian for life -

WvW Queue

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Posted by: dozigden.4805


I queued for 3 hours Saturday evening before getting in, all the while Guild members were logging in and getting in 20mins later, extremely frustrating.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Raziel.6982


I had the same problem last night, but also since the WvW started working properly.

It takes too long to enter WvW and I have no idea if i will have to wait an hour or 6, and that is super frustrating!

I got home at 4:30PM last night and wanted to play some WvW as I couldnt get in the previous night. I started queueing directly as I logged on and proceeded to do some farming and gathering. At 9:30 I finally got in and could play for a while. I could only play for about 30-45mins as I work from early in the mornings.

If I could see that I was number 10000 in the queue I would have known and trying to get some dungeons done knowing I am not going to get halfway and then be able to get into WvW

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Delove.5930


Ever since they disabled yak xp q times on my server went from 5 hour’s plus to none lol

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Drix.5671


I’ve been on both sides of this. Queuing for hours whild guild mates get in quickly, and also getting in within minutes while other guild mates have queued for hours.

The lack of consistency to how/why you get in is really frustrating.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: cesmode.4257


I agree with the OP. I understand that people are having account issues and that is the top priority of Arenanet, to get these people in the game! However, I think the WvW queues need to be a close second. With no “traditional” end game in place(however, Orr sounds awsome!), and with the insane amounts of people queueing for WvW, this whole system needs to be addressed.

I’ve seen posts on gw2guru, how ever accurate, of people queueing before guildees and zoning in after them or not at all. 3 hour queues are just unacceptable, even 1 hour queues are unacceptable. For a system where it seems it one of the main cornerstones of the game, it is vastly flawed.

Agreed with what has been said, queueing for all WvW maps at once should be allowed. I am not sure why it isnt. People just want to play!

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Sparky.7851


This is an all too regular occurence and proof that the queues are neither ‘fair’ or queues at all.

I queued myself at 6pm (UK)
I then fired up my Wife’s PC and queue her at approx 6:15pm (UK)
We wait..and wait..and at around 7:45pm(UK) my Wife gets in.
I am still queuing .. waiting..waiting.. (she is waiting too even though shes already in)
I finally get an invite at 8:55pm

What makes it even more annoying is the number of other guildies that queued after we did and got in ahead of us. A couple were only queued for 15mins before getting in.

How does the queue work? or rather.. how do you ‘think’ it works?? clearly it doesn’t work the way any ‘normal’ queue would work!!

What’s more annoying as well are the times when you have queued for over 3hrs to get into WvW and the client drops you out for no apparent reason and you are back in the queue again. You need to hold the connection for at least a few minutes to allow people to regain their slot … other MMOs do this, it can’t be that hard to do. (can it?)

What would be really useful is an indication of your position in the queue. so you can at least see that number decreasing as an indication of when you might get in. If I know I am sitting in a queue of thousands… I’ll go do something else, but the way it is at the moment people are sat staring at the screen wondering if they are queued at all and preying that the game doesn’t disconnect before they get in and they have to queue up all over again.

we can’t even switch to alts whilst queuing…

-=[ Sparky ]=-

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Torgaard.1864


The queue for WvW has been EXTREMELY frustrating for me. I came to GW2 with the intention of spending the next year or two here, doin’ WvW. First I settled in for a week or so of PvE, to get build a nice little foundation, and then a few days back I decided “Welp, time to start queuing up for some WvW. Woot!” ….I STILL have not gotten in. I’ve sat in the queue for three nights now. For HOURS each night. Nuttin’.

Said it in the beta, I’m gonna say it again: I realize the dangers of plugging the WvW zones full of people, and having completely lag-fest zerg battles, etc, but as crazy as it sounds… it’s gotta be that way. Get crackin’ on bigger servers, better network work, whatever it is developers do to fix this stuff. But in the meantime, ya gotta let us in.

I would propose the solution, like so many things in life; is education. Increase the caps, but then implement a message window here ‘n there (like every time you enter an WvW zone) saying something along the lines of "Huge blobs of zerging players creates massive lag. Don’t wanna play in lag? Spread the frak out and don’t create so many zergs." Know what I mean? People are dumb. Ya gotta pound those simple, clear, concise messages into their heads when and where ya can. They’ll get the message.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: TDHKC.2738


we can’t even switch to alts whilst queuing…

This is going to be a huge problem as well especially for guilds that are primarily here to play WvW. Right now a bunch of people in my guild either have or are close to having all their exotic gear crafted and will have little use for PvE on their primary characters. For these folks the inability to level an alt while you wait to get your main into WvW means that playing GW2 consists of standing in Lion’s Arch doing nothing, waiting for a queue to pop.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Flim.4608


This has to be a priority fix.

I’ve been perfectly happy running PvE and sPvP while waiting on WvW queues, but other guildies aren’t quite so happy/patient. Moreover, it makes it a REAL chore to get full groups (let alone multiple groups/raids) into WvW at the same time. Invariably one or two people get in, then have to kick their heels waiting for the rest.

It’s simply not viable to have an end-game system based on large-scale cooperative play where a single group of players can’t even get into the same map at the same time.

Other fixes needed:

  1. The ability to queue for multiple Borderlands simultaneously.
  2. An indication of which Borderlands (single or multiple) you are currently queued for.
  3. The ability to un-queue from any given Borderlands.
  4. An indication of the current queue size for each Borderlands.
  5. An indication of your current position in queue for each Borderlands. (And maybe estimated time remaining.)
  6. The ability to queue a full group together and have them receive travel invites simultaneously (much like queuing for a PvE instance).
  7. An account-wide queue, which gives you the option to select the character you wish to take into WvW. (I realize this is more toward the “pie-in-the-sky” end of the wishlist.)
  8. A WvW slot reservation time in case you crash out/temporarily DC, so you can log back into WvW immediately within the allotted time. Dumping people back to PvE and forcing them to queue all over again from a simple network error or client crash is frustrating for the entire group.

The above suggestions are simply to make it less user-unfriendly, by giving the players more information. Because queuing is currently a cr-pshoot: you don’t even know whether you’re going to get into WvW before you head to bed, let alone whether your whole group will make it in.

By all accounts, I’m on a server that isn’t suffering the worst from WvW queues, and it’s still frustrating…. primarily from the simple lack of information.

Edit: Added a #8

(edited by Flim.4608)

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Legael.7806


I queued last night for about 2.5 hours but other guild members were let in before me while only queueing for an hour or so.

The queue system is completely messed up and needs a revamp.

I have also had reports that players are abusing the AFK timer system so they don’t get booted after 15 mins of inactivity by using macros.
This exploit of the queue system needs investigating ASAP!

It’s impossible to organise events for guild members when the queue system stops us from hardly ever getting everyone in at a reasonable timescale.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: DiamondGeezer.9086


Hi I work Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm
Every time I come home and play I queue for WvWvW and never get in.
I play from 6pm till 11pm and in all that time i never get in.
Any news would be grateful as I only want to play WvWvW.
I feel as i am a worker i am being penalized.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Kal.2376


Yeah… While it is not a bug, it would be good to be able to queue up to all WvW maps, or see the queues/wait time on each. I also just want to play WvW, I really do not care which map.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Deunan Sanis.4731

Deunan Sanis.4731

Yeah… While it is not a bug, it would be good to be able to queue up to all WvW maps, or see the queues/wait time on each. I also just want to play WvW, I really do not care which map.

I’m quite sure you can queue for all map even if it’s not advertised.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Rynter.3975


WvW is missing queue info (where you are in the queue and the average time it takes to pop) and the ability to queue up for all of the maps.

I’ve heard that the queue is bugged too, with some players getting in in a matter of minutes and others waiting 4-5+ hours.

The way I see it, WvW queuing is either bugged, WvW caps are too low, or server population caps are too high.

This really needs to be rectified.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Sparky.7851


Queues are most definitely not ‘queues’ and are seriously bugged.

It’s impossible to try to get a guild event going as even if you all queue at the same time there is no guarantee that you will all get in. some will get in in 10 mins, others will queue for 4hrs whilst people turn up, queue and get in ahead of them.

Its a fundamental flaw and should be right at the top of the list of things that ArenaNet need to fix.

-=[ Sparky ]=-

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Issmir.6852


It’s impossible to try to get a guild event going as even if you all queue at the same time there is no guarantee that you will all get in. some will get in in 10 mins, others will queue for 4hrs whilst people turn up, queue and get in ahead of them.

I’ve found this to be the case.

The other day 3 of us queued. I stayed in the queue for 3 hours. One guildie managed to get in and out of eternal battlegrounds three times in that time. The other got in once, crashed and was straight back in.

Then two days ago, I got in within 30 seconds, but the people who;d been queued up for an hour were stuck outside for the rest of the night. One did eventually get in, crashed out and stayed in the queue until about 1 am EST.

Are there priorities on the queue system? If you’ve played this amount / are level X / have crashed etc you go in first?

Issmir Spinebreaker – Order of the Fool, Crystal Desert

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Sparky.7851


It would be nice to get something from ArenaNet explaining exactly how it is ‘supposed’ to work… or at least get this issue added to their updates page as it is clearly causing a lot of frustration.

-=[ Sparky ]=-

WvW Queue

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Posted by: nords.2163


Queues are certainly bugged. Within guild we have had people queue the same map for 4-6 hours and not get in, then someone logs in, queues and 15 min later get in while the others are still in queue. Log in, log out requeue etc dosnt matter. I feel this is similar to the issues with people buying gems, some can some cant, no logic. Seems something with communication with the client is amiss.

I will also mention I have personally been on both sides of the queue problem. Being on an extremely populated WvW server I queued EB one day. Got in within 5 minutes; asked where guild was and heard people say I have been in EB queue for 3,4,8 hours and not in yet, then I got in and they still in queue. A day later we queued our own map, I waited for 3 hours before giving up, during that time friends logged in and waited no more than 30 minutes. It was all one bug laugh in TS at first, then we realized the game is really busted in many ways… ways that were not an issue in BWEs…odd.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Spineless.6917


Bottom line is the system does not work. Its totaly unreliable in every way. Fix it please. Fix something!

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Silver Dagger.8639

Silver Dagger.8639

Yeah… While it is not a bug, it would be good to be able to queue up to all WvW maps, or see the queues/wait time on each. I also just want to play WvW, I really do not care which map.

I came here to post this exactly. I really want both of these things. I want to be able to queue up for all the Borderlands and EB maps at once and I want to see the queue length for each. Preferably something shows the current people in front of me in the queue and expected wait time, but at the very least show me the queue length. I’d much rather get in the line with 10 folks than add myself to the line of 100+ folks. Here’s hoping we see this soon.

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


It’s a WvW lottery atm, not a WvW que. If 10 people all que for the same borderland zone at the same time you’d expect that all 10 people would get popups at roughly the same time. We had people getting popups at 1min, 3 min, 10, min, 25 min, and the rest never got anything for 3+ hours and/or simply logged out.

I’m on a high population server by choice, I don’t have an issue with the ques but I do have an issue with ques that prevent you from actually playing with friends and GUILD members. I honestly have no idea what to expect when I que now.

Great ideas about having some kind of indicator or counter with your current place in que and estimated time to get in the zones. At least you’ll know your not bugged and waiting 3-4 hours for nothing.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

WvW Queue

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Posted by: Svarty.8019


On the one hand I understand the case for a raise of the cap.
On the other hand, I think the case for combating the invisible zerg involves not raising the cap.

My guild want to be able to play together. The queues make it impossible. No wonder it’s just zergs everywhere – I encountered an organised guild group for the first time today, and they destroyed zerg after zerg. We can’t counter them because the cap prohibits our guild from joining together.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

(edited by Svarty.8019)