WvW - Server Population

WvW - Server Population

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

this is just the way I think-
First impression is what he will take for the rest of the game and if he’s not in a full one I don’t think he will like wvw or even try it later on…I think that this testing will cost for the player that want to play or try it…and give up because of that…
If your saying that your testing them now
Its not the first time we up against a full one that’s why I find it frustrating ,
How long its going to take? 3-4-weeks?
in the end it will be Population base?

B.T.W.-it will be nicer if you let the person who open the post to answer it before locking it


WvW - Server Population

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minilys.4765


B.T.W.-it will be nicer if you let the person who open the post to answer it before locking it

This isn’t the feedback forum and if you’re wondering there’s no feedback forum right now. And in WvWvW, servers are matched in a simple “winner goes up, loser goes down and middle guy stay where he is”. Right now, servers are changed regularly to balance the servers as much as possible, if your server keep losing, you’ll go down and be matched against weaker servers.

WvW - Server Population

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Alinora Targew.1679

Alinora Targew.1679

Well maybe they need to make a feedback forum that’s why I post here because there’s no other place
I get the Idea I guess I’ll just need to wait

WvW - Server Population

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moderator


This is not a bug, this is feedback. The game bugs forum is only open for people to report bugs, not provide general feedback.