WvW issues

WvW issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

You seriously need to read the Seafarer’s Rest WvW forums concerning the recent update that has since prevented almost all the core players from logging on allowing other servers to take advantage.

WvW core players spend hours playing the game… I myself, before my baby caught the norovirus stayed up until 6am on Sunday night helping secure my server’s gains. We are a very committed bunch but the continual ignoring of our concerns is proving detrimental to the game… everyday I hear of more people rage quitting the game.

In GW1 when Anet messed up an update allowing lots of players to exploit the mistake, the game was rolled back to the same status as before the mess up. The same is required in WvW. The servers need to have their scores and map possessions rolled back to before the update that prevented SFR server players from logging on to defend their territory. Failure to do so is an insult to all the many hours these players have dedicated to your game. Simply ignoring and deleting our complaints is goimg to generate bad press outside of these forums. We have already seen Futilez quit the game…


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