Yet another Dusk crafting bug

Yet another Dusk crafting bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: penguin.1967


I have ran across another bug when trying to make my Dusk precursor,
even though I have the mats the weapon smith is looking for she just keeps telling me to go get them.
I tried to even go to different ones but it seems they all give the same results

this also happens when I try to turn in the hilts,
I have level 2 unlocked have the book for it as part of my collection as well

Snix is right, the text cut off at 5 deldrimore steal.
so I assumed ingots, glad I was just wrong


(edited by penguin.1967)

Yet another Dusk crafting bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Snix Spoonman.3871

Snix Spoonman.3871

I could be missing something in your inventory, but I can’t see the 5 Deldrimor Steel Greatsword blades. I can see the 10 of each of the other metal blades, and that you have Deldrimor Steel ingots. but I am sure npc is asking for 5 greatsword blades of deldrimor steel not just the ingots.

(edited by Snix Spoonman.3871)

Yet another Dusk crafting bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wiella.8567


That was my first mistake there as well – statement isn’t really that clear and might be misleading – you need 5 deldrimor hilts and 5 deldrimor blades (which requires 30 deldrimor steel btw).