You must rename your character...WTF?

You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lokh.2695


Hi there,

upon logging in with my Ranger the game tells me that I have to rename my char before I can continue(see attachments).

So far I haven’t received a message that the Name of my Ranger(Easy Claudia) would infringe anything.

Why is it that I have to rename my charakter?

Thanks a lot in advance for a quick reply.



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You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You will have to submit a request to the CS Team and discuss the action with them. Nothing those on the forum can do to help.

Top/Bottom of Page – Support – Submit a Request

Good luck.

You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lokh.2695


thx a lot, will do m8

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You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lokh.2695


Ach nevermind…just renamed her to Lazy Ludmilla, hope that fits the narrow perspective of whoever reported me(I guess this was the reason) xD

+ : Keyrings, Underwater-Combat, Build Templates
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You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Welcome to the world when girls can play video games, too

Can you think of a girl who would willingly be called “Easy”?

One – Piken Square

You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Renn.8241


Right on the Money Tom Gore

~Renn~ Jade Quarry – Norn, – Ranger.

You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lokh.2695


@Tom: I’ve been living in a world where girls do play video games for more than 20 years now, thank you.
I’m not a native english speaker so I might not have been aware of haw attrociously abusive my name must have been.
I was implying with the name that it is an easy class to play easy content with, was meant as a joke an certainly not to upset anyone

@Renn: What are you? Tom’s personal fanboy?

Anyway, renamed the char so who cares.

Have a nice day.

+ : Keyrings, Underwater-Combat, Build Templates
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You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zeroba.7192


They probably took the ‘Easy’ part of your name as ‘easy’ to get into bed.

You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xDudisx.5914


I would send a ticket and try to solve on support.

Ouroboro Knight’s [OK]

You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Yeah. Calling someone “easy” is usually meant as an insult about the person’s sexual life. So, that may be way it was reported and whatnot.

You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


Pathetic! Yet daily I see names referencing drugs, slaughter, satanism, and other subjectively more offensive character names run about with abandon.

Sorry for the loss of your character name, OP.

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You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Red Queen.7915

Red Queen.7915

Pathetic! Yet daily I see names referencing drugs, slaughter, satanism, and other subjectively more offensive character names run about with abandon.

Sorry for the loss of your character name, OP.

That.. doesn’t mean those are just fine?
They just didn’t get reported yet, or the support person who happened to look at the report didn’t find them as bad.
“Subjectively offensive” is all fine and dandy, but this game is for kids 12 and older, so that’s what they use to judge whether or not a name is okay. And even I’d at least facepalm at a character named “Jesus Sucks” or something, because really? Very mature.

PSA: The amount of small felines serves as an indicator for just how angry I am at something.

Kaerleikur @ Elonaspitze

You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xandror.2356


Sorry Anet but that name isn’t going to hurt anyone. They made me rename my alt because I had the grossly inappropriate game ruining name of “King Jamie” after having it for over a year. Game breaking launch bugs are still going unaddressed. Great game, horribly managed.

You must rename your character...WTF?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GM Talon.8726

GM Talon.8726

Lead Game Master

The name mentioned by the OP is in violation of the Guild Wars 2 Naming Policy, specifically these two points:

- Have offensive racial, ethnic, national, or cultural connotations
- Reference sexual acts or real life violence

As a reminder, if you see a name that you believe is in violation of the Naming Policy, please report the individual in the game so that an agent may investigate and take appropriate action where needed. Reports made in-game are monitored 24/7.

Remember when creating/renaming characters that perception is what matters, not one’s intention/reasoning behind naming a character a particular way.