Zephyr's Leap IS BUGED

Zephyr's Leap IS BUGED

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: empty.2365


Hi, I am a mesmer. Me and my friend climbed to the top, jumped onto the hay for around 10 times (in both of my friend and my own story). We kept trying and most of the time, we jumped and landed in the SAME spot. She got the achievement for her first try. However, many jumps after I still get nothing. This is my third time restarting the story.

Attached picture shows it all. Names are removed for their own privacy.


Zephyr's Leap IS BUGED

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: empty.2365


I figured that I have not find all the “clues” yet in the picture showing. In case someone points out, this is not the cause, because we found all the clues in my last 2 stories and I still get nothing while my friend got it. : (

(edited by empty.2365)

Zephyr's Leap IS BUGED

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: empty.2365


Someone mentioned that I should have that “yellow” achievement “buff sign” on my character. I relogged and I don’t have that yellow sign on me. All I know that it shows the achievement is undone. Fix this please.

Zephyr's Leap IS BUGED

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Just checking: you did complete the whole story before trying to get the bonus achievements, right? Because anytime I did a repeat instance after completing the first round, I would always have that instance’s yellow achievement “buffs” on my UI until I completed them.

Zephyr's Leap IS BUGED

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lobsterisme.6032


You have to complete all the story missions on whatever character you are playing before you can get the elite achievements. Meaning, if you’ve completed the story on a character then tried to switch characters to get the achievement, it will not work until you have completed all the story missions on that new character as well.