Zephyr's Leap IS BUGED
I figured that I have not find all the “clues” yet in the picture showing. In case someone points out, this is not the cause, because we found all the clues in my last 2 stories and I still get nothing while my friend got it. : (
(edited by empty.2365)
Someone mentioned that I should have that “yellow” achievement “buff sign” on my character. I relogged and I don’t have that yellow sign on me. All I know that it shows the achievement is undone. Fix this please.
Just checking: you did complete the whole story before trying to get the bonus achievements, right? Because anytime I did a repeat instance after completing the first round, I would always have that instance’s yellow achievement “buffs” on my UI until I completed them.
You have to complete all the story missions on whatever character you are playing before you can get the elite achievements. Meaning, if you’ve completed the story on a character then tried to switch characters to get the achievement, it will not work until you have completed all the story missions on that new character as well.