Zojja´s Masque

Zojja´s Masque

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meyerditch.2456


Happened to me yesterday, and although I´ve actively seen it once, I will still Report it.

Server: EU

Briefing: Zojja´s Masque did give me neither stats nor the leadership rune benefit when equipped,

Reproduction: I don´t know, I´ve only seen it once during a Storyline-Quest.

Yesterday, i finished crafting another Ascended item for my Chrono, namely Zojja´s Masque. In an instant, i upgraded it with the 6th and final leadership rune and went to do the Storyline-Quest of the Personal Story, in which you have to explore the Underwater-Temple with Sayeh Al´….. .
Full of excitement, I opened my hero Panel Inside the Story Instance and expected to see 67% Boon-Duration. Instead it showed me 52% only. I was wondering and kept removing and wearing pieces of my gear, until i figured out that my Zojja´s Masque would give me the po/pr/fe stats, and also not the Leadership-Rune-Benefit (6).
After I fully restarted GW2 however, the bug was gone and it properly showed me the 67% Boon-Dur along with the other stats. I don´t know, why it happened, im speculating, that
1. Something inside the Underwater-Instance made that specific item bug out
2. My freshly crafted item was bugged out in General until i restarted (for whatever reason ?)
3. The application of my Rune to the Masque triggered the bug

Like i said, i don´t know if it´s either of these possibilities and if only Zojja´s Masque is affected by this bug, or only in that specific Instance. But if you consider that there is a Chance that it could happen anywhere, at any given Point, this bug can be pretty game changing, as you, for example, start a raid and realize, that you can not Keep up 100% quickness uptime.

Zojja´s Masque

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


Your underwater aquabreather replaces your main helms stats and runes while you are submerged. So you need a matching rune in your aquabreather to benefit from the 6th bonus underwater.

Not a bug. Unfortunately. (I’m not a fan of the way the aquabreather works)


Zojja´s Masque

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashantara.8731


Your underwater aquabreather replaces your main helms stats and runes while you are submerged. So you need a matching rune in your aquabreather to benefit from the 6th bonus underwater.

Zojja’s Masque is the aquabreather. Therefore, the OP was indeed facing a bug issue.

Zojja´s Masque

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


Your underwater aquabreather replaces your main helms stats and runes while you are submerged. So you need a matching rune in your aquabreather to benefit from the 6th bonus underwater.

Zojja’s Masque is the aquabreather. Therefore, the OP was indeed facing a bug issue.

Zojja’s Masque is the name of the Light Ascended Helm. The Aquabreather is named Zojja’s Cloth Breather, so I’m pretty sure my first reply is correct unless we get more info from the OP.


Zojja´s Masque

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ashantara.8731


Oops, then it was my mistake. You are right, of course. Maybe the OP was talking about the aquabreather, though. If not, then it doesn’t make sense they said they received the bonus underwater the second time around. Hmmm…

Zojja´s Masque

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

When they restarted the game, they would not have been placed underwater in an instance. Maybe they didn’t enter the instance and go underwater again before posting.

Zojja´s Masque

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meyerditch.2456


I feel ashamed right now!

Actually forgot, that the aquabreather has stats on its own and replaces ur head Piece while underwater.

I once wondered too, why I wouldnt get 100% boon Duration while on certain maps until People told me that your gear stats obviously downscale.

Im so sorry for this confusion!