broken mini? or broken .dat?

broken mini? or broken .dat?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Imperator Nox.7509

Imperator Nox.7509

So, I’ve been kicking this around in support on and off (with little followup after receiving weak or no answers) for over a year, but a recent reply I received from another person here has verified that a pet theory seems to be correct…

To summarize: Over a year ago, my Enraged Twisted Watchwork Nightmare mini went bonkers and STOPPED looking and acting like it always has (slightly different from the normal TW mini) and started essentially looking and behaving EXACTLY like the normal TW Nightmare mini.

In the interest of saving (your) time, I will snip out and not go over all the failed theories and suggestions I have been presented with and tested, but will instead cut to:

…so of late, I have come to suspect that my Enraged mini’s data is corrupted and it is simply reading the contents of the normal TWN mini from the DAT, since I have now heard from two others that their minis do NOT look/act the same. So, I tried to -image my install, but no joy. Same issue. It seems that, whatever else may be going on, the client does not see anything flagged as wrong in the .dat, and so is not trying to fix it.

So… any suggestions? I realize this is small potatoes compared to so many other issues discussed here, but I’ve honestly tried every other possible way of getting this resolved and none have worked.

…and it’s been like this for a very long time now.

…and I would be really appreciative if someone could help me fix this ridiculous situation.


broken mini? or broken .dat?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Remove your .dat file (rename it?) and download the entire .dat file again? If you believe there is something wrong with your .dat file…

broken mini? or broken .dat?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Healix.5819


So, I tried to -image my install, but no joy.

-image only ensures that every file is downloaded.

-repair is what verifies each individual file.

broken mini? or broken .dat?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Imperator Nox.7509

Imperator Nox.7509

So, I tried to -image my install, but no joy.

-image only ensures that every file is downloaded.

-repair is what verifies each individual file.

Thanks for that distinction, Healix. I did the repair and although the mini still does not look as it did when it was first released (i.e., it still looks exactly like the other one mentioned), it does, at least, now move around with a different walk than its cousin does. (And who knows, perhaps that’s due to some redesign, and so therefore intentional — I really don’t know. (If so, it would be a horrible decision to have been made, but that’s neither here nor there.)) Regardless, I am very grateful to at least now be able to tell them apart.

And thank you as well, Inculpatus. That’s exactly what I will do next if I should happen to find out that the models should in fact NOT be the same.


broken mini? or broken .dat?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hugeboss.5432


The repair function only checks the actual big GW dat file, but you have another dat file (I presume its a type of local computer cfg cache type file that just grows over time) in your \AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2 called Local.dat. Rename that file, and a new one will be created next time you run GW2. This has been known to fix a few things too, unsure what types of things though.

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