button to cancel orders fast
It was a bug and it was fixed. Many of us are sad about it, because we found it useful. But imagine how many people accidentally lost an order by misclicking.
I would be happy if ANet added an option to remove the confirmation step. However, there are plenty of other changes to the interface I’d prefer to see them work on.
that button saved me 5 minutes every day , im very sad about it ;(
But imagine how many people accidentally lost an order by misclicking.
If you are even putting your mouse near the cancel button .. how can you misclick .. you either hit cancel, or you stumble upon fast cancel. If you don’t hit the cancel button you bring up the buy/sell window. It’s a pretty big space to avoid the cancel button.
Removing this feature is dumb.
But imagine how many people accidentally lost an order by misclicking.
If you are even putting your mouse near the cancel button .. how can you misclick .. you either hit cancel, or you stumble upon fast cancel. If you don’t hit the cancel button you bring up the buy/sell window. It’s a pretty big space to avoid the cancel button.
Removing this feature is dumb.
If wasn’t a feature; it was a bug. (ANet confirmed this.)
Second, there was no obvious way to see that you could do this, so yes, if you click to the right, your owner was cancelled and there was no way to bring it back (or even know what you cancelled).
I liked the option, even though I misclicked more than once; in the long run, it saved me far more time than it cost. Nevertheless, I think ANet did the right thing when they fixed it: better to inconvenience a few power traders than to frustrate those who use the TP more sparingly.
Bah – this was handled poorly. ANet should of given the player the option to use Quick Cancel functionality or not (option in menu to turn it on/off) or hold down Ctrl-left click cancel to auto confirm.
The “bug” has been in trading post for so long it became a basic feature.
I know I used it many times for cancelling.
hold down Ctrl-left click cancel to auto confirm.
The “bug” has been in trading post for so long it became a basic feature.
I know I used it many times for cancelling.
I would be happy for a ctrl click to skip confirm, this would definitely suitable.