dungeons: not working, wrong exp, wrong # tokens, sp's bugged, events bugged

dungeons: not working, wrong exp, wrong # tokens, sp's bugged, events bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trillistar.4071


Is anyone from A-net checkign these? Support tickets and bug reports put in and no response and apparently no action at all.
We aren’t recieveing much if any information on the many problems limiting playability of the game.
Dungeons: currently on Sorrow’s Furnace we are workign on day 3 of AC and Arah being inaccessible, exp for dungeon completion both story and explorer is not allways awarded consistently, tokens are not awarded consistently, or even allways awarded.

Skill points, I have stopped even putting in tickets, it appears every zone has bugged skillpoints now and our server has at least 20 that I ran into within just the last 24 hours while leveling up alts.

Events, many escorts and gathering events have been stuck for 3+ days that I know of, hearing from others its been over 3 weeks.

Granted this game is dominantly pvp but it was stated this would be more pve friendly, but we are gradually losing more and more aspects of the game to disfunction.

And worse, getting no response.

dungeons: not working, wrong exp, wrong # tokens, sp's bugged, events bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Phlawlis.8167


I have done 11 Citadel of Flames runs in the Magg line since the revamp of the reward system

Day 1
First run 30 tokens (OK but not the 60 I’m supposed to get)
Second run 5 tokens (wtf)
Third run 10 tokens (wtf)
Fourth run 15 tokens
Fifth run 20 tokens (I give up although some people did report 8 and 60 in the groups I was in)

Day 2
First run 30 tokens
Second run 5 tokens
Third run 10 tokens
Fourth run 15 tokens

Day 3
First run 30 tokens
Second run 5 tokens

Clearly not working correctly, it would be nice to get tokens put on my account so I can get the last pieces of gear I need so I can get the hell out of the broken dungeons and go back to WvW

dungeons: not working, wrong exp, wrong # tokens, sp's bugged, events bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Echelon.5384


Search will reveal that they have given us a response…