exalted weapon recipes wrong tooltip

exalted weapon recipes wrong tooltip

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Slyverine.7081


Hello there. So i got an exalted rifle weapon recipe from my pvp reward. I looked at it and it says it’s usable by artificier, huntsman and weaponsmith. I thought wtf a weaponsmith can make a rifle? But if it says so it can. So i learned it on my char that has weaponsmithing and guess what?I can’t make it… Why is there on the tooltip that weaponsmiths and artificiers can use it, when it’s obvious only huntsman can make it?

After 1 day that i looked at wiki, it obviously says only a huntsman can craft it.

Remove the tooltip that prompts it’s usable by artificier and huntsman , else more people like me will fall into the pitfall and loose their recipe.

A new recipe so i can learn it on my huntsman would be more than welcome!