/follow not working
I remember reading a while back that there was going to be no auto-follow in this game. I’m pretty sure that’s stayed….
There’s no follow command, there has never been.
i could see it now… tons of people following others to get events done while they are afk. I am glad there is no follow.
If /follow worked then it would be possible to multibox. I multiboxed 5 accounts in WoW, but I’m glad it won’t be a part of GW2.
If you read awhile back there was not going to be an auto follow added to the game, who did this come from? Is that the official stance from Arena Net that there won’t be /follow added to Guild Wars 2?
It isn’t a function in gw2, thankfully. No afk trains for leeching and it makes things a bit more difficult for the gold sellers imo.