killing risen grub gives out weird message

killing risen grub gives out weird message

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Posted by: Sentinel VX.1392

Sentinel VX.1392

“This content is disabled please try again later” it shows something like this everytime I kill a risen grub.

Sea of Sorrow since BWE.

killing risen grub gives out weird message

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Posted by: Milennin.4825


They disabled loot on them because people were farming them.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

killing risen grub gives out weird message

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Posted by: zephyr.6045


People were farming Risen grubs from the giants that spawned in orr.

ANet released a ‘fix’ which disables all drops from grubs.

Killing any grub now when you are supposed to get loot, will result in that content is disabled message.

Not a bug, but anti-farming measure from ANet.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

killing risen grub gives out weird message

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Posted by: Sentinel VX.1392

Sentinel VX.1392

meh why should they put that message anyway.
Just simply remove the message idm about not getting any loot from grub, the message is getting annoying.

Sea of Sorrow since BWE.

killing risen grub gives out weird message

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Posted by: DayMan.2574


I can confirm this one, was getting it during a main mission quest last night. It may not be a bug, but if they are gonna disable loot from grubs they could at least get rid of the message constantly popping up. It made me think that my game was glitching.

killing risen grub gives out weird message

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Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


The first time I encountered this was from the risen grubs in caledon forest. Extremely annoying.

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killing risen grub gives out weird message

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Posted by: SanctumSyte.5019


I can see why they would do this for out in the regular map but I was doing my personal story and this happened. So now they are basically withholding items from people playing the game legitimately in the story line.

I was doing Forging the Pact and was on the part where I escorted some Priory researchers through a cave full of risen when I kept getting that message. I didn’t know what was going on at first then I noticed it only happened after I killed the grubs.

I got that message over 20x so I missed out on quite a bit of drops. I did this story last night at about 10:30 pm PST.


killing risen grub gives out weird message

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Posted by: Massacrul.2016


This… is… annoying as hell!

1. They could just make that grubs have 0% for loot.. no need for this annoying message
2. I still don’t get this idea, why are they simply forbidding people to farm anything anywhere… If people want to farm? Why not let them? People farm in every game.. what’s wrong with that? You won’t change players mentalily, you will just lose players this way.

killing risen grub gives out weird message

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Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

I don’t mind not getting drops from certain uber farmable monsters but that message gives the wrong message completely.

Content Disabled? “So my personal story is still bugged huh? grrr”
But it’s not just the grubs either. Talking to the guy with the cattlepult will give that message as well. I also get that message randomly when just running around killing things.
Make that message actually mean something if you’re going to spam me with it!

I’m super happy that you have awesome developers, but your person who writes the text for things really sucks at their job.

Players have no idea what that internal developer debugging message means to their play time. Remove it, it’s confusing people and making them think they did something wrong or that something is broken.


killing risen grub gives out weird message

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Targren.6073


I still don’t get this idea, why are they simply forbidding people to farm anything anywhere… If people want to farm? Why not let them?

Call me cynical, but my personal preliminary sniff test seems to detect the distinctive odor of another long-awaited, recently released game in which the developer has a financial interest in the in-game economy…

killing risen grub gives out weird message

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fourgates.2156


Just curious, what was good about the loot from grubs?

killing risen grub gives out weird message

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

It’s probably the way they ‘fixed’ the loot from dropping. They probably have a standard script for disabling content in the game, so they applied that to the loot. However, they forgot to remove the message. Wouldn’t surprise me if this gets fixed soon.

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