lag bros!

lag bros!

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Posted by: crOwdcOntrOller.7213


what is up with this game-wide lag? when is it going to be fixed?

lag bros!

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Posted by: DarkReign.4503


It’s happened to me every time I’m on Jormag since the patch dunno if it’s just luck but I haven’t been able to finish Jormag now since the last patch. It starts lagging and people get kicked including me and my UI doesn’t work anymore and people can’t revive eachother. I just got kicked twice now from it so I gave up.

(edited by DarkReign.4503)

lag bros!

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Posted by: ScorpiOverkill.7064


It started with the lag for me, then I couldn’t do anything except run around (this was in the story event btw) next thing I know my screen’s gone red and I have to reboot my system.

After I reboot I get back on but the situation hasn’t changed and the lag is far worse. Roughly a thirty seconds pass and I’m disconnected from the server. What’s going on Anet? I didn’t even experience anything like that in the Beta!

lag bros!

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Posted by: Geekfox.4267


I lost 24s from trying to waypoint from all this lag. Too bad compensation is impossible.

lag bros!

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Posted by: ryan.3915


Same unplayable lag for me and most of my guildmates from Singapore. It’s not 1-sec lag. The lag spikes duration gets longer and longer, until it lasts minutes and you can’t use skills or even harvest.

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

lag bros!

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Posted by: DaShi.1368


I agree. This lag is much worse than the last time. Hopefully, they can fix it just as quickly, because Dry Top is unplayable for me right now.

lag bros!

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Posted by: Kaden.7081


Yes please. Can this be fixed? I’ve be d/c’d from a tier 5 dry top and 2 organized teqs. makes me not want to log in if this is the new norm

lag bros!

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Posted by: Felix Pantherae.1425

Felix Pantherae.1425

It isn’t any normal lag. It is a DDoS Attack (Distributed Denial of Service Attack; google it if you don’t know what it means, but basically means that an outside source is mass-spamming the game’s database with traffic, causing lag and server shut-down). That outside source appears to be this guy:

This attack has not been confirmed by ANet, but it has been confirmed by Carbine, who makes WildStar. WildStar is also being affected. All of NCSoft’s games are being affected. Carbine has said that they are looking into it (on their twitter page), and that it is in fact a DDoS attack.

Blizzard is said to be getting the attack as well, with WoW experiencing similar issues.

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lag bros!

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Posted by: Lydell.8713


It isn’t any normal lag. It is a DDoS Attack (Distributed Denial of Service Attack; google it if you don’t know what it means, but basically means that an outside source is mass-spamming the game’s database with traffic, causing lag and server shut-down). That outside source appears to be this guy:

This attack has not been confirmed by ANet, but it has been confirmed by Carbine, who makes WildStar. WildStar is also being affected. All of NCSoft’s games are being affected. Carbine has said that they are looking into it (on their twitter page), and that it is in fact a DDoS attack.

Blizzard is said to be getting the attack as well, with WoW experiencing similar issues.

It’s been confirmed on Twitter now :

Guild Wars 2 @GuildWars2 · 12 min

Sorry all, we want you back in #GW2 and we’re working on that! It’s an outside attack on the servers, so hang in there with us. ~RB2


lag bros!

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Posted by: derpy.7236


i just tried to log into the game but couldn’t. it looks like they are still having problems. i never get disconnects when i am playing at home.

lag bros!

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Posted by: DarkReign.4503


Ah their servers as well as many others are getting attacked apparently posing as some guy in the UK, hope he gets the book thrown at him although he’s hacking Twitter accounts dunno how this is going to go. Hope they get him somehow…

(edited by DarkReign.4503)

lag bros!

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Posted by: Meefy.5430


Will our login information be safe? Of should we log off until the DDoS is taken care of?

lag bros!

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Posted by: Anymras.5729


DDoS attacks, to my understanding, aren’t something that poses much threat to information on servers – it’s less “Let’s get in and break stuff” than it is “Let’s just bombard it with requests until it can’t react.”

lag bros!

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Posted by: atheria.2837


Twitter was far more informative than the forum

The game is down or partially functional for some.


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lag bros!

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Posted by: Dragon Ruler X.8512

Dragon Ruler X.8512

DDoS attacks, to my understanding, aren’t something that poses much threat to information on servers – it’s less “Let’s get in and break stuff” than it is “Let’s just bombard it with requests until it can’t react.”

There is a method in which through the process of a DDoS attack one can overflow the buffers of a router/switch and bypass securities if done correctly. This then allows direct access into the network and methods to gain access to data on servers. I’m not saying that’s what happened, but I am saying it is a possibility.