level 70 quest " The Battle Of Fort Trinity"
I hate that quest. All the npc suddenly died and I have to kill all of undead
same problem here, cant continue
I have the same problem. Nothing happens, explored the whole area.
Had this quest with lvl 80 Mesmer, and was no problems. However, the quest seems a little bit to easy. The NPC’s had no problems at all to deal with the intruders and such. At the start it was a bit odd when i attacked the mobs and the NPC’s just passed by them to met at the “Green circle”.
I report this 3 days ago. Same bug. My Guildy soloed it with no issues. I went in right after him and have had the bug mentioned above ever since.
I can only get to the part where you defend the docks, then no mobs spawn, ever.
Quick update: day 5 , still bugged. tried all different things to get the cut scene to trigger / start ( again ) still nothing. Would really like to do my story quest plox !!!