line of sight, Oh my god !

line of sight, Oh my god !

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: albarinos.6135



I play rangd classes and really line of sigth is so broken in mcm ! i loose duels, i cannot teleport in a stair, i cannot even kill a rabit ! how come this is still such a big issue afte so many time passed by. This is frustrating !


line of sight, Oh my god !

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: albarinos.6135


the invincible spawn rabbit !


line of sight, Oh my god !

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Blinking up the stairs there isn’t possible because the game doesn’t allow you to blink or shadowstap up on walls. That’s probably because you then could do it without stairs too… and what use would walls have if everyone can just blink/shadowstep onto them from both sides?

Now there’s plenty of examples where it really fails even though it should be possible. Sometimes it fails on a straight, even path, just because there might be a little stone somewhere along the way. Or because of some other weird reason.

As for attacks, yeah. Obstructed is something that shows up frequently when it shouldn’t. Popular example would be the siege-weapons in the last area of the Charr-fractal… usually can’t hit them with anything unless you melee them while standing inside their sprite.

line of sight, Oh my god !

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kaat.8237


Go into first person visual mode. Can you actually see what you are trying to target? There is a wall on the stairs in your first pic that limits your line of sight. In the second (and yeah, it’s silly) there is a small rise between you and the invisible bunny. So in neither of your examples is there true line of sight for your character.

MARA on Gunner’s Hold

line of sight, Oh my god !

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Omocha.4931


Stairs are not walls, to start with. they are paths up the wall. And as such, they should be 100% valid, if I can walk up them without even bothering to jump. Unless the terrain topography and game mechanics haven’t been tossed in the team, so to speak, and they don’t recognize each other.
Secondly targets’ hitboxes have been degrading over time. I think the corruption of Zhaitan touched them and behave more and more weird. From hiding in the ground to being obstructed by thin air (shooting at a normal sized human in the center of Legacy of Foefire had that effect at times), to being too close for melee range or out of range for half your ranged skills, while not that far for the other half.
Most worrying aspect here is that mechanics, topography and other aspects that part of the player base is interested in are not priorities, probably because they do not produce any financial effects. As such, it makes more sense that the team should focus on the upcoming (most probably even more buggy – with the gliding mechanics) content and with the gemstore ever-increasing variety of bizzare stuff. (Side, off-topic note: isn’t it funny that in a dragon themed game there are so very few dragon minis, but a hoard of cats and other domestic animals?)

line of sight, Oh my god !

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

Some stairs you can shadowstep/blink up, others you cannot. It has always been that way and the changes to pathing, etc., have likely changed which ones it works on, but some do still count. It has to do with how the wall ‘pieces’ and stairs are matched up, etc. If you can walk to it without jumping, it should definitely count as pathable, but it doesn’t always.

As for the LoS, some things hit box are somewhat in the ground, so the arrow is obstructed since it’s target is actually in the ground >.<

(edited by Lunacy Solacio.6514)

line of sight, Oh my god !

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

the invincible spawn rabbit !

He has 0.50% cover. 100% miss chance!