lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: iowen.4217


after todays first patch found nearly all nodes on the new spots
after the second mini patch over 50% of the nodes are empty for me(other player are able to see/use em),waited 6+ so maybe they repawn,no respawn so far

a lot ppl seem to have the problem not being able to find/see a lot crafting nodes on the 80maps

lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Barkebain.7194


I’m going to guess this is another DR “fix” – make it impossible for players to get the mats, force them to hit the auction house and purchase them from bots. DR works FOR the bots, AGAINST real players – figure it out Anet.

lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: knyy.8276


yeah, they dont respawn anymore for me. 13 hours ago i mined my last orichalcum. maybe they increased the respawntimer? but nothing in the patch notes.

lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kalok.4273


Yep, I am having same issues, I dont think they beleive, that people other then farming bots have alot of time to play.

I do as a disbaled vet. I dont have anything else to do.

If this is their way to control the farmers, I am not about to go alt happy in this game been there done that.

Would think that the number of farming groups at fixed spawned events would get more attention then some of us that literally have to run all over the maps to harvest things….

lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: raito.4085


Same probleme here , 3 orichalcum doesn’t respawn in CS and stay as ruined , after 13hours . Anet FIX PLZ !

SFR – [Opt]
Chuck Noriis – Warrior

lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Doofensmirtz.1243


I have a thread on this also. It seems to be if you mined after the first patch but before the hotfix, you’re F’d.

lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: iowen.4217


yes,i think it only hit ppl between both patches
(second one hit me 30min after i found the new 5 lol^^)

lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shokenaw.1987


It would be really hard to post something to an auction house.

This issue will more than likely autocorrect itself after enough time passes. I am not worried about it personally. Good bug to report mind you.

Hidden in the shadows, veiled by rumor and cloaked in the deepest of night. Our time is now.

lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fellyn.5083


It would be really hard to post something to an auction house.

This issue will more than likely autocorrect itself after enough time passes. I am not worried about it personally. Good bug to report mind you.

Except for Orichaclum is selling at the highest it has in several days. So it’s a good time to sell. Although that price increase is probably due to a lot of people’s ore spawns being bugged out. x.x

lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: iowen.4217


it seems all maps with ori are bugged for me

lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shokenaw.1987


There is no such thing as an auction house in Tyria. In Azaroth yes, Tyria no.

Hidden in the shadows, veiled by rumor and cloaked in the deepest of night. Our time is now.

lv400 crafting nodes bugged/empty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: iowen.4217


they respawned thx 4 fix