mastery track Historian of the Armaments

mastery track Historian of the Armaments

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: angelofdeath.8076



Sorry for my bad english , but im currently on the mastery track Historian of the Armaments and i have earned the 3,810,000 exp., but i cant seem to unluck the track. its says that i need 4 more mastery points. am i doing something wrong or what?


mastery track Historian of the Armaments

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: angelofdeath.8076


bump four hours later…

mastery track Historian of the Armaments

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


It’s because you don’t have enough master points to unlock it. You only have 2 points and you need an additional 4

mastery track Historian of the Armaments

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: angelofdeath.8076


It’s because you don’t have enough master points to unlock it. You only have 2 points and you need an additional 4

yes but my experience bar is full and i cant get any futher, i already earned the 3,810,000 exp for this track

(edited by angelofdeath.8076)

mastery track Historian of the Armaments

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Correct. But you can’t unlock it until you get more mastery points.

You can switch to a different master line to train until you get more points. But the main point is, you need to acquire more master points, doesn’t matter how full you bar is at this point