monsters becoming invulnerable
I see monsters randomly getting the determined boon alot … sometimes for 19 hours (as listed by the popup info
Happens way too frequently under water, but also happens on land. Not only that, but mobs will randomly ‘evade’ and path back to spawn. I am all too familiar with this evade bug from early WoW.
Another possibly related bug is the fact that ranged attacks will get ‘obstructed’ at complete random. This is very frustrating.
I seem to notice it the most when the i go too far up or below the mob (screw with the Z-axis) … most the time if I switch weapons and try and level out with the mob it starts taking damage again. Sometimes if I change pets (I’m a ranger) it starts taking damage as well.
I’ve had this problem quite frequently in water. At one point I was fighting a skill point mob, it went invulnerable, swam back a short distance away, healed to full health (I had it nearly done), then came back to attack me.
The mob invulnerability happens a lot to me too. Sometimes I get a seemingly random “obstructed” as well, but so far I assumed it was another player or my own pet that blocked my line of sight to the mob.
I’m glad that I’m not the only one seeing this. Makes me feel better. So far I’m impressed with the updates as they’ve been happening over the weekend. I expected nothing for two days.