mounting bug

mounting bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Klipso.8653


A bug where my mount button doesn’t appear. I have re-logged and it still hasn’t come back.

The hotkey for it doesn’t trigger mounting either while the button is gone.


mounting bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Tried re logging 3 times now- didn’t fix.
Tried dieing and re spawning-didn’t fix.

I guess my demo is over? it was working fine before the daily reset.

mounting bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lyp Sao.1375

Lyp Sao.1375

There is a button? I can’t ride a mount. Key [X] does not work. Bug demo

Ok I get it -> Play the story, get the horse

Don’t fight the other ants
Fight the queens

(edited by Lyp Sao.1375)

mounting bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fawkes.2836


Try going into options (F11) and use another keybind for Mounting/Dismounting, maybe this will bring it back. I could’t mount my raptor at first because i had another action bound to X. Hope this helps.