no arrow model in animation ranger

no arrow model in animation ranger

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: traxgod.4978


I’ve been trying to find myself an answer for some days now , the ranger has a pretty animation for shooting bows.

But the place whare the arrow is supposed to be is empty, at a first look its like the model is not being loaded.

Could anybody on the forums or the devs please consider this and try to help me , my graphics card driver is up to date and everything seems to be perfect .

*there is no arrow made in the game ? Im shooting air , wich is pretty disturbing if your. A ranger and love shooting arrows in the game
*there is a minor bug thats disturbing me .
*could there one day be arrows if not for it beiing in here now , its a little thing just one small flat detail on the animation and it doesnt feel like dull,shOoting air at your enemy .

Thank you for taking your time reading this ,i hope this wil improve my gameplay by possible solutions

no arrow model in animation ranger

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JerichoTheGreat.8215


I’m wondering the exact same thing, you are not alone. It doesn’t bother me very much, you still get the white streak in the air, and you hardly ever see where the arrow would be, because you are looking at the back of your character, but it still really annoys me!

no arrow model in animation ranger

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Check to see if you have the “Effect LOD” setting enabled in your Graphics Options.
This setting is supposed to lessen the detail or amount of particle effects in the game, but really all that is noticeable when having it enabled versus disabled is that it makes arrows fired from bows invisible. If you have it enabled then try to disable (uncheck) it and take note of if your arrows return and are visible.


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(edited by StinVec.3621)