not getting loot for bosses.

not getting loot for bosses.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shaman.1938



this has been on going for 2 weeks and I figured i would let it slide as some people were saying maybe I wasn’t hitting the “boss” enough or whatever ..

This answer doesn’t always work though as sometimes I don’t get event completion BUT can loot from boss ..

it is getting very frustrating as I also do the pre event stuff BUT then am not getting much out of it save XP and karma (2+ million and counting)

tonight I got it with ULogoth the Modniir boss that I got the gold rating to the event BUT no loot .. sometimes this will happen repeatedly then other times as I have said I will get no XP but will get the loot (would rather JUST get the loot if it has to be borked)..

again I also wouldn’t mind BUT you have people looting from the bosses who NEVER do the pre event WHILE I do the pre event as get nothing .. is this telling us just to all be lazt and wait for the event to fail or what?

not getting loot for bosses.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: qarinus.3869


Shaman, only a certain number of people (I think it’s been determined to be 50?) can get loot from one enemy. The first (50?) people to become eligible for loot are the only ones who will get it. That means you not only need to hit enough for credit, it means you need to do it faster than a lot of other people in a big fight like the world bosses. This isn’t a problem under most circumstances, but world bosses attract extremely large groups, thereby leaving a number of people out of loot.

This is one reason a lot of people join groups, because you can get your “enough to tag” much, much faster in a group, as everyone’s damage counts for everyone. To up your odds of getting loot when doing events with large attendance, join a group.

not getting loot for bosses.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sadatoni.6524


I don’t get loot from bosses because the game crashes. That’s three times now since the last update.