picked wrong skin- Account now worthless?
Uh pick another one in 2 days?
can i get more skins than the one additional one? Will I always look like a lop-sided idiot when i dual wield my one special skin and a starter blade in the off hand.
Since you put this in bug reports, I have to wonder whether you have a similar situation to mine or whether you are certain you picked wrong:
Before picking my Zenith weapon skin, I browsed what several of the weapons looked like in the preview window. I distinctly remember looking at the Recurve Bow and realizing it didn’t fit the look of my Bow using characters. I definitely didn’t preview the Shortbow at all (coming from GW1, I expected Recurve to be an alternate name for Shortbow).
I remember clicking the Spire and clicking some kind of “accept” prompt, but I was given a Shortbow instead. I’m second guessing my memory a bit since this this outcome happened, wondering if I was really that careless; although the Shortbow wasn’t near the Spire on my list. I don’t really remember how the interface looked. After the fact, I remember there being a small grey box with an arrow, but I didn’t click that.
If anyone else experiences this, then at least the reports will add up to figuring out what happened. I also know that people in chat were linking Spires, so they didn’t seem to get this bug. The only other thing I can think of is that my selection didn’t register and I was just randomly assigned a weapon.
Yes, I right clicked it and it had a graphic of a greatsword, and i thought it was a great sword skin. I did not get a greatsword skin, and what I got looks absolutely nothing like what I clicked.
You’ll be able to get at least 7 different skins(should be all unless ANet is being silly).
I think I know what happened for both of you. When you right clicked to preview it didn’t actually change the selection so you ended up getting the default or whatever you may have left clicked on at some point when browsing/scrolling. Which skin did both of you end up unlocking?
I ended up unlocking blade. I never saw it before unlocking. Ive never even used a sword before (I’m not an achievement hunter by any stretch.)
I had intended to get a Spire (Staff) but I got a Shortbow.
5th post down in the following thread, user Doggie.3184 claims he picked Shortbow and got the Staff.
I was willing to accept I messed up. But i was really certain that I didn’t when I clicked…. Feels bad man.
YES! Thank You! I am not alone!
I was playing on my Azura mezmer when I received the reward, I had my mind made before I had even seen the selection window due to the thought of wielding this Greatsword of AWESOME on a mezmer was whatthe Mez was made for! I was so convinced thath I had selected the greatsword I even purchased a decent sword off the AH to give a boost to my lvl 40 Azura Mez. when I finally tried to apply the skin I had to take a few moments to convince myself thath I might have chosen the wrong weapon by accident or was this a bug. I am still unsure as to weather this was my fault or not as the only reason why I doubt it is because I have a very crusty lookking pole in my inventory with no real use on my new lvl 40 Mez.
I do hope there is a happy ending to this story for all of the people that experience this fate as it’s such a silly mistake that anypone can make and if it’s a bug then i hope it gets sorted out so more people don’t experience the disatisfaction I do right now!.
The main reason why this would occur is if you preview the weapons you may overlook which itme is selected when choosing your reward due to the preview window.
I so will never make this mistake again and if it’s a bug please fix it fast!!! cause that make it the most evil bug I have ever heard seen!
Another possible incident of this bug, by original poster in this thread:
Seems to have gotten trolled pretty hard by people who have absolutely no experience dealing with this bug (or with outlier cases in general). Overall, the group shaming is likely going to discourage some individuals from reporting this.
I definitely just had the same thing happen to me. I was trying to get the Zenith Avenger skin and when i tried to transmute the appearance to my current greatsword I wasn’t able to! I then realized I had a Zenith Blade skin instead of Zenith Avenger. I thought I was just stupid and messed up until I’ve seen these other posts that are very similar! :[ This really bums me out.
Hum… Think this is why my jade great sword skin resembles a focus?
Well said, Master-Fuhon-1068. It would therefor be great if ArenaNet’s developers could reproduce and acknowledge this issue. I bet far more people would step forward to report this mishap.
I selected a short bow skin – however I later found out it was a Long bow skin…..
=_=" help…..
There’s a lot of unneccessary comments being added by people with no insight on the situation, whereas I’m already sure every instance of “no complaint” is enough to suffice that nothing has gone wrong to the majority. As far as commentary goes, the average MMO player is going to be the kind of person who ‘deserves’ a pat on the back for getting anything right, while they provide some kind of rudimentary combination of occam’s razor (simpleton explanation suffices) and psychological projection/transference (i.e. here’s what happened based on my life experience) for why someone else has gotten it wrong. Ultimately, that kind of ‘expertise’ is not going to generate good results when you apply it as a methodology to other problems, unless you have an amazing reserve of life experience.
But for regular people, it would help to know that the success and failure incidence of every task and microtask can be plotted along a statistical curve. The most common of these plots is what everyone knows to be a “normal distribution” or “bell curve”. And while normal distribution doesn’t perfectly apply to every system that can be designed, it does give hints about where data points should exist. In order to generate more failures, you will also be generating incidences of people who admittedly had trouble with the task.
It should be striking that there are absolutely zero reports of any kind of difficulty using the interface. I myselft can’t even report trouble navigating the menus, despite the fact I got a Short Bow instead of a Spire. The buttons are big, and when you select your intended weapon, the GUI highlights it. But what this shows is that the graph is neither a bell, nor an inverted bell (‘well’ curve); and given non-normal sampling, it requires you to gain specific understanding of the outliers rather than dismissing them outrigth.
This also brings to mind the concept of Ascended items, since some people might think it’s a similar issue. There’s a good reason why Ascended items are the most commonly reported ‘mistake’. Anyone playing this game has been trained to associate triple-stat combinations on gear with prefixes and suffixes. Ascended items have arbitrary names, which means you have to click the pop-up and read information to find out which one you want. Ascended items have the Unique trait, which defies the previous convention of allowing 2 equipped at the same time. They have Offensive, Defensive, or Omni/Utility infusion slots. And a few of the items have 4 stats distributed across them. While I haven’t purchased a wrong Ascended item, I can recognize that the purchase was more difficult to navigate; so it would fit within a far more normal distribution of data than Zenith weapon mistakes would.
An ascended item is also more clearly “miss-selected” instead of “misclicked”. The mistake in choice is made prior, and then followed through upon successfully. In the case of Zenith weapons, a few have different names than previous convention, so it might appear to be reasonable that someone didn’t understand which was the Avenger and which was the Blade. But ultimately, if you believe the mistake is being made on the players end, you have to have an explanation to support that a person misread two words in the instant they clicked the mouse.
Other common mistakes are on processes that people have automated, rather than something people would have ‘raised guard’ not to mess up. For instance, I was once thinking of buying a Basic Salvaging Kit on one character, and I remembered I didn’t have a Master’s Salvaging Kit. Combining the two thoughts together in as quickly as I can think, I purchased a Fine Salvaging Kit (they also both have prices that end in 88). Indecision does result in mistakes of compromise, but when you read the explanations, people were all decided on what weapons they chose. Another element of this mistake is being distracted to the limits on your own capacity to hold multiple attentions.
Since I remembered clicking the Spire (and still do), but I received the Short Bow, I’ll give an explantion of why I originally thought the mistake was on my end. I stayed in Lion’s Arch chat for 20+ minutes and no one reported the same bug. I scanned the forums, and I only saw a single report by someone else who was also in doubt. I’m a bit sleep deprived at the moment, which I’ve come to know affects my attention but not necessarily my mid-to-long-term memory. Under sleep deprivation, I have previously misread individual words in a similar manner to a dyslexic, but in every case prior I have noticed shortly afterwards, that misread words would have to be similar lengths to each other. (I rule this out now because Spire looks nothing like Short Bow, even with a rearrangement of letters). The optical sensor on my mouse is also failing and sometimes it drifts across the screen without being moved (although I remember seeing the item I selected darkened). That was a possible explanation, except I clicked near the middle of the item text, and my mouse have never drifted that far in the instant of a click.
It was going to take me considerable time to rule out anything that could have gone wrong on my side, but it seemed better to report a possible bug sooner, rather than later. I mentioned an anecdote about only looking at the Recurve, which I expected was the Short Bow. Somehow, that caused me to not see Short Bow on the list. I previewed multiple items on that list, and for me to miss that Short Bow was even on it, made it seem reasonable that my attention was not as focused as I thought it was. Even though it’s a logical error to dismiss my own data because of what could turn out to be an unrelated mistake, that type of attention-span issue is going to take me months to review and either confirm or deny. It would be easier for me to rely on data given by others.
I had to mention the Short Bow story because, even though it shows my doubt, there was a remote possibilty of a bugged second list that didn’t show all items.
well i got my skin the GS but i didnt get my large acheivment chest you know the actual chest that you can open it sucks i want to see what the rewards are like