previewing items = buying items???

previewing items = buying items???

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brozo.1630


So i just wanted to let people know to be careful when previewing items that cost gold from vendors. I just ran up to the vigil headquarters to preview the weapons and armor and see what stats they had on them. After looking at the weapons and heavy armor set, i noticed that i had significantly less gold then when i went to look at the items. After looking into my bags, i noticed that a vigil greatsword (which costs 5.6 gold) is now in my bag! I sent in a ticket, and i guess i’m glad i didn’t have enough money to buy all the items i previewed, but this is a little frustrating. Anyone else have this issue, this is the first problem i’ve had with this game, but taking 5.6 of my 6.5 gold i have gathered right before i was going to make my exotic set is a little rediculous. I sent in a ticket, and was wondering if anyone else has had this happen, and did arenanet do anything to help/fix the problem?

previewing items = buying items???

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gidean.7491


I had a similar thing happen with karma items. I noticed a while after that I had substantially less karma. Turns out while previewing the items, I had purchased one for 42,ooo karma. It would be really nice to have a confirmation window!

Anet says no refunds.