problem with shouts removing cripple

problem with shouts removing cripple

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: smiks.5714


I am a human warrior and I have the problem written in the topic title. I wear 6x superior runes of the soldier. The sixth bonus of superior runes of the soldier is “shouts remove a condition”. When I am crippled and use “For Great Justice!” or “On my Mark!” shout skills, the condition “Crippled” is not removed. However, it is if I use “Shake It Off!” shout skill, but this skill has its effects in “Cure a condition in yourself and nearby allies. Also breaks stuns”.
I’ve tried to remove other kinds of conditions as “poison” or “bleeding” and all kind of shouts remove them. The problem seems to be only for “cripple”.
Thank you for any help!