random mouse disruptions

random mouse disruptions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Michael Conrad.6704

Michael Conrad.6704

I first noticed about a week ago that my mouse would freeze in EotM . I’m using Windows 10 and the 64 Bit Game Client. I hear audio alerts first which first signal that my mouse is about to “freeze” and that after several more little blipping sounds the mouse is virtually useless and thus the game as well. I am currently researching on the Web for others that may have this problem and it looks like I’m not alone. Maybe its a game issue ? I use a Naga Hex mouse and really like it and don’t want to toss it.
I’ve done all the usual things. Switched USB ports, updated drivers etc. all to no avail. The game is virtually unplayable and I may have to give up playing unless I can get it to stop this. Anybody have any suggestions ?

random mouse disruptions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Michael Conrad.6704

Michael Conrad.6704

also, are there any third party PC gurus who can jointly access my PC to possibly diagnose my mouse issues ? I love it when someone who is very expert can get on my PC and see my situation up close and personal. I used to be fairly savvy in these matters until the entire state of the art whizzed past me at the speed of light.

random mouse disruptions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


What do you mean by the blipping sounds? Random sounds? Sounds when moving the mouse? Dist?ortion of your normal game sounds?
And why is you mouse then useless? Not moving? Not clicking? Skipping?

Does it happen when you play other games?

random mouse disruptions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lagrangewei.8516


the audio lag suggest your processor is being interrupted.
check your mainboard driver to ensure nothing is running in “software mode”.

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