sPvP and achievement "rank points" different?

sPvP and achievement "rank points" different?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AKGeo.6048


So I don’t sPvP a lot. That’s an understatement. I just now got my gladiator title, so I’ve started to look a little closer at the rank system, because I’m tired of /ranking rabbit.

Well, I figured the animal rank was tied directly to that gladiator track, so that when I got my gladiator title it moved on to deer, and so on. But no, I’m still at rabbit. Then I looked even further and saw that with the “rank points” required for gladiator (8500) I should already be past Deer, and pretty well into Dolyak, which requires only 7500.

The rabbit bar HAS moved today a little bit, but nowhere near as much as my achievement track. Does the gladiator achievement also count glory points?

A win in sPvP hotjoin should give me 200 “rank points”, and I’ve got 45 “games won” on my stats screen, 4 tourney matches won, so at the very least I should have 9k “rank points” even if all of these wins were hotjoin. Yet, my bar says 2889/4000.

I’ve also spent at least 10k glory over the time I’ve actually been playing sPvP, if that makes any difference. I understand that glory is earned at a faster rate but still somewhat on par with rank points.

Wiki does not differentiate between the two categories, either, so as far as what I’ve read, I’m down by almost 6k “rank” and a dolyak /rank animation.


sPvP and achievement "rank points" different?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CMstorm.8679


You’ll progress after every 10 levels. that’s just how it works. For rabbit, you’ll need a grand total of 10,900 rank points to move on to deer. Then of course the total amount of rank points required for the next rank will increase to an astronomical amount. You go through with this for each and every rank. You’ll be rabbit rank at lvls 1-9, deer rank for 10-19, dolyak 20-29 and so on

sPvP and achievement "rank points" different?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AKGeo.6048


Oh so each rank needs to refill that purple bar, so it’s 4k rank points to go from 9 to 10, and 7500 to go from 19 to 20, with 4k points for each rank between. It’s weird because I’m only at 9312 rank points, but already rank 10.

I think wiki and the in-game window should be a little more clear about this. Besides the “total” column. That I completely didn’t see.

Well, now that I have a personal crisis taken care of I’m able to look at it a little closer. Thanks for the clarification…I’ll grind to at least rank 20 because dolyak’s a pretty good rank to have on Yak’s Bend. :p

(edited by AKGeo.6048)

sPvP and achievement "rank points" different?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CMstorm.8679


yeah, i agree it should be a little clearer, but it’s really nothing to get worked up about. It throws you off a little bit if you look at it and just stare at your pvp rank progress tab for a while…I got all pumped when I got to my Ransacker progress, but i was like “Oh, i actually need to complete all the tiers of it to actually get the title, just like all the other ones.” But some titles just sound cooler than some.