sPvP "queue abandoned" bug
been having this also… it seems that with a bigger party it’s harder to get into a match
Kept happening to me and my guildies too. We could never get into unranked on Saturday as a group of 5 so we gave up. I reported it but never heard anything back.
Edit: I hope this isn’t intentional. I would understand not wanting a pre-made group for ranked but not for unranked. I play with my husband, son, grandson, and best friend so it would be awful if we couldn’t play together.
(edited by Anela.3867)
Still having this issue as well, please fix.
tried to queue up with a full group 3 times and the same message kept happening
(Below 80) Guardian, Engineer.
Just thought I’d add that I’m facing the same issue with groups of +4.
Having this issue trying to pvp solo.
sPVP unplayable at the moment, solo queue worked once out of 10, rest were fails.