shadow behemoth chest
This happened to me too. Twice I didn’t get a chest on the same toon (even though I haven’t done the event since daily reset and I got gold on the events).
I tried guesting on another world with that toon and I got a chest.
I hope this gets fixed soon…
Daily resets at 0:00 GMT. Please note that daylight savings will change the time of the daily reset in your timezone.
For me, daily now resets at 7:00PM CST instead of 6:00PM CST.
This has been happening since before the chest “fixes”. You could get gold credit and no chest, even though you haven’t done the event in a couple days. I had shadow and maw back to back not give me a chest. And, it had been more than 48 hours since I had done them last on any character.
I tried doing the events on a different character and got a chest, went back to my necro and started getting them again. Put in a bug report when it happens.
Te Nosce [TC]
Then I guess this bug is in the game awhile now.
I just hope Anet is aware of the issue and is looking into it.
(edited by CaptainOok.1048)
Got same bug with my warrior alt. She didn’t get chest not today not yesterday. Tohu other toons had it.
If this is happening on a character that is ‘parked’ at the event and that character is not doing anything else, it could be DR kicking in.
I remember reading about DR affecting events like the dragons and such if you were parked there.