shadow behemoth chest

shadow behemoth chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AshetheBlack.8904


Hi, so for several of my characters they have not been given a chest after beating Shadow behemoth world event. I know there is a limit to one chest per character per day. I have waited more then a day now and the problem still persists. I also noticed now when I beat shadow behemoth, instead of getting the usually 2000-4000 exp from the event I only get 200 exp. There has to be a problem here. If anyone has a solution or if arena net/ NCSOFT could fix this that would be great. Thanks!

shadow behemoth chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CaptainOok.1048


This happened to me too. Twice I didn’t get a chest on the same toon (even though I haven’t done the event since daily reset and I got gold on the events).
I tried guesting on another world with that toon and I got a chest.
I hope this gets fixed soon…

shadow behemoth chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Geekfox.4267


Daily resets at 0:00 GMT. Please note that daylight savings will change the time of the daily reset in your timezone.

For me, daily now resets at 7:00PM CST instead of 6:00PM CST.

shadow behemoth chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ubi.4136


This has been happening since before the chest “fixes”. You could get gold credit and no chest, even though you haven’t done the event in a couple days. I had shadow and maw back to back not give me a chest. And, it had been more than 48 hours since I had done them last on any character.

I tried doing the events on a different character and got a chest, went back to my necro and started getting them again. Put in a bug report when it happens.

Lost in the Maguuma [TC]
Te Nosce [TC]

shadow behemoth chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CaptainOok.1048


Then I guess this bug is in the game awhile now.
I just hope Anet is aware of the issue and is looking into it.

(edited by CaptainOok.1048)

shadow behemoth chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Piekasejs.3590


Got same bug with my warrior alt. She didn’t get chest not today not yesterday. Tohu other toons had it.

shadow behemoth chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

If this is happening on a character that is ‘parked’ at the event and that character is not doing anything else, it could be DR kicking in.

I remember reading about DR affecting events like the dragons and such if you were parked there.