I have been wielding a shortbow with a sigil of battle, and on weapon switch an axe and warhorn, both with sigils of battle. I’m not getting the might buff all the times that I switch weapons.
- I never get might when switching to the bow
- I get 2 stacks of might when switching to the axe+warhorn (not 4 stacks). There’s an orange buff icon that has a 2 on it and says might when I mouse over it.
- If I equip some other offhand instead of the horn, I don’t get any might when switching to the axe.
- If I equip the warhorn but some other main hand weapon instead of the axe I don’t get any might when switching to the warhorn.
- If I equip the axe & warhorn with some other non-sigil bow, I still get just 2 stacks when switching to the axe/warhorn.
Based on my testing, this is not just an undocumented cooldown. It seems like the sigil is sort of working like half a sigil — I need two of them to get the two-stacks effect, one by itself on either a two-handed weapon or on just one of a pair of one-hand weapons doesn’t do anything.
FWIW I have the Ranger ‘Tail Wind’ trait and I get the swiftness buff from that on every weapon switch.