[story spoiler] chapter 14 doesn't progress

[story spoiler] chapter 14 doesn't progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erskine.5206


I am at chapter 14 at the story step “Follow the path Rox left in order to meet up with your team”.
I am in a group with someone and his story log got updated and he could follow the hints. I however am stuck at the first hint. There is no storymarker showing up on the map.

[story spoiler] chapter 14 doesn't progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cygnus.8913


I had the same thing happen (not in a party, though).

I started the story and the first set of tracks would update, but the second wouldn’t. I then started the previous chapter again, went back to chapter 14, exited the map and other tricks people have used…and I’m now stuck on the first set of tracks. Nothing I can seem to do will update it.

[story spoiler] chapter 14 doesn't progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Erskine.5206


Found someone who found a fix, worked for me.
So, thanks anyway

found a fix!
choose 13….then re-choose 14….char select…log out….log in

I restarted at that storystep and found the first hint. Then it didn’t update anymore. So I tried again. And now it tells me to go and learn the masteries…

I guess I will just have to wait for a fix.


Content Designer

We’ll take a look at the next step “Sign Cutting” being bugged out, as well as some or all of you having to jump through hoops to get the quest to update correctly. Sorry again for the inconvenience – we’ll have the quest’s designer and QA do a deeper dive on these issues.

(edited by Erskine.5206)

[story spoiler] chapter 14 doesn't progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bandit.8279


Yea, finding the tracks was tricky but now the final Sign Cutting is no where to be found:/

Fools N Gold [FNG] of Tarnished Coast