stuck on loading screen when switching maps

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: amir.9354


every time i go to switch maps i get stuck on the loading screen the yellow circle stops moving and then if i have to press Ctrl alt delete and then press esc and it will load in and i can play as long as i want in till i switch maps and the graphics are sometime messed up too.. its almost like the game is freezing but its not ..


stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: probonohitman.3246


Encountered the same bug: stuck on loading screens (and need to Ctrl-alt-delete to desktop in order to load the map), textures absent. Started happening after I dl’d today’s (Dec. 3) patch. Running GeForce GTX 970M (dr ver. 359.06)

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: amir.9354


i have the same card and my drivers are up to date i also am able to play gta 5 full blast with out problems and mw3 and other games .this just started happening when i updated to HoT it feels like cause i was able to play before with no problem

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: FingersKFF.2814


I’m having the same problem from what I can tell. When dropping to the character select screen or loading into a map I get a hang where GW2 stops responding. After a short time my whole computer stops responding as well and I either have to wait a few minutes for it to recover or force a reboot.

I’m on a GTX970 discreet card and was running the 359.06 driver. The problem only started from what I can tell after Tuesdays’ patch but around the same time I updated also the graphics driver.

I’ve tried both 64 and 32 bit client as I have them installed separately and it happens on both. I also use reshade and thought that might be contributing but removing the files makes no diff.

My wife’s install of GW2 is running fine but she’s on Win 7 to my Win 10 and is running an AMD card instead of Nvidia.

I also suspected the Nvidia Experience was causing the problem as it wouldn’t load properly but having removed that I was still getting the problem.

I then went back to the 359.00 driver but only managed one map before it happened again. When dropping out to the character select screen it froze up.

I’m going to try rolling back to an earlier Nvidia driver to see if that helps but I’m not sure if I’m barking up the wrong tree with the graphics driver. I’ll post back with an update.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: FingersKFF.2814


Well I went back to Nvidia driver rev 358.91 from November 9th and it’s no different. Maybe it’s not related to the graphics card? Unless there’s something in the latest patch that causes it.

I can play other games without any issues as well, only happens with GW2.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: FingersKFF.2814


Just seen another poster saying that when he turns v-sync off in the graphics settings the loading screen hang goes away. I’ve just turned mine off to see if that makes a difference.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: probonohitman.3246


Just seen another poster saying that when he turns v-sync off in the graphics settings the loading screen hang goes away. I’ve just turned mine off to see if that makes a difference.

Ok, turning off V-sync works for me: the sticking during map-loading and the texture problems have stopped—at least from what I can see. Thanks!

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: amir.9354


so turn off v sync ? but i dont want my video card to burn up i want it to stay at 60 fps .. instead 1xx fps .. you think its the driver not the game .. im able to play any other game fine with no problems .. also im trying not to have my laptop melt on me lol

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: amir.9354


turning off v sync works ! just tested it !!!!! yay thank you

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Schnook.5419


I’ve had this EXACT same problem. I have an Nvidia GeForce GTX 870M and I’m on Windows 10. I was emailing GW staff back and forth for DAYS the other week and they know about this problem, yet they have no idea how to fix it properly. A friend and I ended up managing to fix it by running the game in compatibility mode for windows 7, but this isn’t the solution.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Schnook.5419


Oh and here’s their reply about it…

“GM Ganymede (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Nov 21, 17:33

Hi Lisa.

I was just typing when you sent your last message.
Yeah, Windows 10 is basically… new.
And I’m not allowed to tell you anything except that A LOT of players are able to play the game better outside of Windows 10 or at least running it in compatibility mode.

So I’m glad you got everything working, is there anything else we can do for you?


GM Ganymede
Guild Wars 2 Support Team"

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: BlackBrixx.2146


Same here, messed up graphics and loading screen bug.. i guess win10 is the cause, as I only upgraded last week and it was running fine beforehand. Starting to play after I was done upgrading I encountered those problems the first time.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: NilSatis.6720


Tried to help someone with this same problem; tried windows 10 reinstallation, driver reinstallation (all nvidia drivers from 6 months ago) game repair, various tweaks. Problem started after game patch. ONLY OCCURS IN GW2.

Only way to solve this for them was to run the game in windows 7 compatibility mode. Ridiculous. Game worked fine before in Windows 10. Something has been broken here, and it is to do with Optimus/Nvidia drivers and Windows 10 and guild wars 2. Every time the gpu is tasked with loading assets etc it causes hanging on map screen and this artifacting type corruption in textures. Cntrl alt delete fixes it and then the corruption happens.
Win 7 compatibility mode works fine. Vsync method did not. Please ANET respond to this thread and tell us you are looking into this as despite several chats with their technical department they seem either unaware or unwilling to accept this is an issue with THIS GAME ONLY. There have been several updates since this and no word of the problem or a fix has been mentioned. Person is running a Clevo based laptop with a 870m. All latest drivers….clean windows installation was tried too. There is a bug in guild wars 2. Dev response would be nice as yr technical department seems unwilling to realise there is a common issue here.
My game works fine with r9 290 and latest AMD drivers, so there is a problem here with Nvidia/Guild wars 2. In compatibility mode things such as reshade etc will not work and also the game should not be ran like this. Occurs both in 32 bit and 64 bit client. Would appreciate a dev stepping up and saying something about this.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: NilSatis.6720


Something has been changed it seems, as the vsync disabling method also works now. This is a development, as originally it didnt work. However screen tearing will occur even when vsync is forced in Nvidia drivers, or/and capped with Afterburner.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: amir.9354


thank you all for reply lets get anet on this so we can play the game !

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: FingersKFF.2814


Has anybody tried forcing v-sync via the Nvidia control panel rather than in-game to see if this works? I’ll give it a try now to see but was wondering if anyone had already tried.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Schnook.5419


Has anybody tried forcing v-sync via the Nvidia control panel rather than in-game to see if this works? I’ll give it a try now to see but was wondering if anyone had already tried.

Ye, I tried just now, doesn’t help at all.

Found something else that helps though… if you put the game in windows fullscreen mode and turn off vsync you don’t get any screen tear. I can now turn off compatibility mode and just run normal from Windows 10 and this works as a temporary fix.

Anet devs are we going to get a response on this? I posted about this a few weeks back and my thread got merged into another thread about crashing issues.

Also, the Reshade (Sweetfx) no longer works with GW2/Nvidia, the client will open, but will not load into game when Reshade is active in the GW2 folders. If you stop GW2 from using the Nvidia card and have it use the integrated graphics it loads fine and the Reshade works fine. Are you going to sort this out as well? I’ve used Sweetfx for the past 2 years with NO issues until recently.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: FingersKFF.2814


Yeah it looks like the game ignores the v-sync set by the Nvidia Control Panel as I’m running up to 100+ fps and my card is hitting 100% usage when it normally sits lower.

I run mine in Windowed Fullscreen already so that’s fine with me.

On the reshade issue, I’m using it and it’s working fine for me. I remember reading something though where if you run in Windowed Fullscreen mode the reshade files need to actually sit in the root of the Guild Wars 2 folder otherwise it won’t run.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Schnook.5419


Bump! Anet please respond…

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: driver.9861


maybe they are busy with some other stuff but i hope they will fix the problem soon its a little kittened up gone try that sync method for now

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Atreyix.9124


Making it Windowed-Fullscreen fixes it. Tho in some cases it does reduce performance, I downloaded the 64bit client and it seems to help me a bit more then the 32bit in those cases.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: DANTHEMAN.5130


I am also experiencing the same issue. I have been troubleshooting with the support team for about a week now and have not been able to come up with a solution. I originally thought that Windows 10 had something to do with it and was told that this is not the case, now I can confirm that it does have something to do with it. I have tried everything from reinstalling drivers to even reinstalling Windows 10. I know that v-sync isn’t a big deal, but I experience a lot of screen tearing which I would prefer not to play with.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: NilSatis.6720


Any Anet reponse to this issue? This will be effecting most laptop/Windows 10/ Guild wars 2 users; and it is something that has been caused by one of the latest patches. Are you aware of this issue; and are taking steps to reproduce/remedy it?

Submitting tickets on this issue is painful as we are taken down a hardware fault path, and this is something that is specific to this game only.

Nvidia drivers; Optimus gpus, and Windows 10 are affected. Some response from a Dev to let us know that the problem has been spotted and is being worked on would be great as it is a Gamebreaking bug. No Nvidia driver for the last 6 months solves the issue so it is pointing towards a coding bug. As mentioned bug has something to do with Vsync/Windows 10/Compatibility.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: The Only EAK.9456

The Only EAK.9456

I have only started getting this issue after Windows 10 installed the November update patch. (A couple hours ago)

I have done a clean re-install of the Nvidia drivers and it didn’t help. I have run a -repair on the GW2 Dat file and that didn’t help either. Changing from 64bit client to 32bit has no effect.

Disabling Vsync in the client is the only workaround for this issue. This is not an optimal work around as windowed fullscreen gives me about 15-20 less fps and the page tearing in fullscreen is abysmal.

I notice that the scene fully loads in -maploadinfo but it appears when switching to the 3d graphics from the 2d loading screen the client just hangs.

EDIT: POSSIBLE FIX: Changing the 64 bit client’s compatibility to “Windows 7” seems to have fixed the issue for me. I can have V-Sync on and I bounced to several different maps just to be sure. I’ve even closed and relaunched the client a couple times to be sure it wasn’t a fluke. BTW I also have the client set to “Run as Administrator” just in case.

EDIT2: Just for kittens and giggles I decided to try this fix on the 32bit client and it works there too.

(edited by The Only EAK.9456)

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: NilSatis.6720


Anet; once again, can we please get someone to comment on this bug? There are enough people that….if this specific issue does not occur for them; have a related problem of having to alt tab to get back into the game after map loading gets stuck. Are you aware of this issue with Vsync? Can you work with Nvidia asap to get something resolved. Silence is not a way of assuring people this is going to get better.

There is also some major performance issues with these latest patches. Although on my desktop rig i can hold steady framerate you can literally hear the fans working harder than they ever used to. Guild wars 2 is using nearly 5 gb of Ram, and cpu usage sometimes gets stuck on 100% (with a 2500k @ 4.6ghz) with little going on. Some real technical troubleshooting needs to be done to stop these issues and most of all, tell people you are aware of issues and are going to do something about it.

I have none of the map getting stuck problems on this rig, so that is related to Nvidia drivers and Vsync but I cant help but think my gpu is having to work harder than in previous patches when the Vsync option is checked…6 months ago temps would be about 65 in gw2 constantly on gpu; now are 73-75 and upwards in some places. Other games have remained at the same temperature. Something is wrong.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: NilSatis.6720


Bumping in the hope that just maybe it will get Anets attention. At least some sort of word on whether you are aware of what is a major problem for a lot of people with this hardware would be great.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: NilSatis.6720


Has this issue been highlighted for fixing yet Anet team? Have you worked out why it is happening etc and are we going to get a fix for it?
Was sad to see no part of the update touched on performance issues or technical issues like this.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: NilSatis.6720


BUMP. More people with same issue. SAME lack of response. Tell us what is happening regarding a fix please!

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: omega.3758


I also have the same issue as everyone on this thread. The two fixes described here. Turn vertical sync off or run in compatibility mode windows 7 worked for me. This only started after a recent patch.

Running Windows 10 with gtx 970m (Driver: 359.06).
Same configuration as probonohitman.3246.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Richie.6823


For anyone with Windows 10 experiencing Frozen Load Screens and/or No Texture Mapping in Guild Wars 2, and have tried Ctrl+Alt+Del to pass the load screen or disabled Vertical Sync to rid the environment of those color spectrums as I have experienced and tried…

I must confirm that the best temporary method to circumvent these issues is to leave your Vertical Sync enabled and run GW2 in Windows 7 Compatibility Mode.

The issues will be eliminated and you will be at peace (Because we all luv VSync right!).

I wish you all the best.

  • Microsoft Windows 10 Home x64
  • Intel Core i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
  • NVidia GeForce GTX 960M
  • 8GB DDR4 RAM


(edited by Richie.6823)

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Schnook.5419


@Richie… if you read the thread we’ve said all that above

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Schnook.5419



stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Morus.9734


Hey everyone, I just want to add my experience to the thread.
I have a Lenovo laptop with the following speccs:
GPU Geforce 840M
CPU Inte i7-4500U
Nvidia drivers 361.43
Windows 10 Pro

Guild Wars 2 worked just fine until this morning when I installed the November 1511 windows update and suddenly after that update I started getting the “frozen” loading screen problems. So it seams it is windows 10 related at least for me, turning of vsync worked as a work around for now.

Take care all.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: DuelFlaga.1273


Bump, been stuck at map loading screen for a week. Tried configuring v-sync and reset ip.
Running on Win 7.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: NilSatis.6720


Bump! No fix or acknowledgement by anet thus far. Lets get something done this year please now. Problem is now getting on to two months old.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Blackhearted.1264


Bump! No fix or acknowledgement by anet thus far. Lets get something done this year please now. Problem is now getting on to two months old.

Expect it to get even older than that. This is arenanet we’re talking about after all. Unless you’re new you should know not to expect much in communication or timely bug fixes from them.

(i also see this problem btw, and contrary to what some people say, vsync has nothing to do with it and it being off changes nothing)

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Schnook.5419


Bump! No fix or acknowledgement by anet thus far. Lets get something done this year please now. Problem is now getting on to two months old.

Expect it to get even older than that. This is arenanet we’re talking about after all. Unless you’re new you should know not to expect much in communication or timely bug fixes from them.

(i also see this problem btw, and contrary to what some people say, vsync has nothing to do with it and it being off changes nothing)

Do you suffer with this problem?

V-sync being turned off DOES “fix” it. If I turn it back on my game just won’t load and the textures are completely bugged.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Blackhearted.1264


Do you suffer with this problem?

V-sync being turned off DOES “fix” it. If I turn it back on my game just won’t load and the textures are completely bugged.

V-sync is off and it doesn’t change anything. It also doesn’t happen to me on every map change.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Schnook.5419


BUMP. Still no response.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Schnook.5419


BUMP again. Still no response.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: arkin.1367


Same issues : graphic and stuck on loading (need to Ctrl Alt Suppr)


stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: AegisFLCL.7623


I can’t believe this has been unaddressed for this long. I just purchased a laptop for on the go work and to play the one game I play, GW2. Without functioning vsync it looks as if Freddy is having field day on my monitor.

Compatibility mode set to W8 or W7 does not work as a fix, only disabled vsync in game. Gameplay experience is horrible without it even while maintaining 40-70fps.

R9 375M

Yes, this seems to be an issue with BOTH amd and nvidia mobile cards.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: ONko.7460


Im here with the same issue. Kinda awkward.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Skywocker.4183


Same issue, since using W10

ATI HD5870

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Vampilla.3497


Same here, NVidia GTX 960M, Windows 10.
Have to run GW2 in Windows 7 Compatibility Mode in order to play =<

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Schnook.5419


Bump. Why has this still not had an answer >.>

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Blackhearted.1264


Bump. Why has this still not had an answer >.>

It doesn’t completely prevent players from accessing the gem store. As such there’s no reason for them to acknowledge and fix.

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Neil.3825


Same here since W10…

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Schnook.5419


Bump bump bump bump!

stuck on loading screen when switching maps

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Posted by: Brobarian.4612


Same issue trying to get to Lion’s Arch from login. Except I crash to desktop.