stucked in stronghold
We are probably in same matchup then… lol been stuck there for the last 20 minutes or so
Batman save us!
ye have the same problem
cant leave by leaving instance
cant leave by going to char select
cant leave by exit to desktop
cant leave by getting kicked coz idle
ANet has created the perfect prison!
My plant got dragged into the match.. but every charachter on my account is now part of the punishment
(as when you select a different charachter it will be ported into the pvp map aswell.. first you see the normal map you are in.. it loads.. it goes black.. and stronghold pvp map pops up)
I swear Ill behave.. just dont hurt my ele, she’s my roleplay char and she will not understand whats happening to her! xD
Same here. Stuck
ye have the same problem
cant leave by leaving instance
cant leave by going to char select
cant leave by exit to desktop
cant leave by getting kicked coz idleANet has created the perfect prison!
My plant got dragged into the match.. but every charachter on my account is now part of the punishment
(as when you select a different charachter it will be ported into the pvp map aswell.. first you see the normal map you are in.. it loads.. it goes black.. and stronghold pvp map pops up)
..I swear Ill behave.. just dont hurt my ele, she’s my roleplay char and she will not understand whats happening to her! xD
Roleplay your ele! Call out to the gods and ask to be freed! Maybe they will free the others along with you! <3
Ahah… now you all know how i feel xD
I’m stuck in PvP (conquest mode) for more than 2 weeks. Maybe now, ANet will do something about it!
Yup can confirm are all stuck in stronghold… forever…for all eternity Devs please help us <3 (have submitted bug reports)
I am also stuck in that game! Get us out please!
Cant do anything to escape. Even tried relogging on a different character and he ended up in there aswell!
Beta is over. We are now in Gamma.
I’m also stuck in stronghold. but only for about 20 mins now. Tried everything and it keeps going back to stronghold. I’m hoping mr 2weeks is trolling. I want to play smth other than stronghold now. Please. PLEEEAASE LET ME OUT OF STRONGHOLD… it has got such a strong hold.. too strong.. :_(
Me, my whole team and the enemy team are stuck as well. Please ANet, help
Why Anet dont do anything about this? lets start a riot!! -.-
I let my ele pray and when beta ended we were free.. free being.. that we have to click an error message at every map change saying that its okay that we cant return to the server that no longer exists.. really.. its okay.. i do not wish to return there..
Also stuck in Stronghold too, must be same map too
Come on Anet sort it, close pvp down or something, there is laws against false imprisonment xD
It’s not just Stronghold.
Stuck in the Temple here – none of us can get out. Change character? Create a new toon? Log out? Reboot your pc? Get booted for inactivity? Makes no difference.
Always end up back in the match (which we lost. So it’s Hell)
Help please A-Net.
Seems devs are working on it
I’m also stuck in stronghold. but only for about 20 mins now. Tried everything and it keeps going back to stronghold. I’m hoping mr 2weeks is trolling. I want to play smth other than stronghold now. Please. PLEEEAASE LET ME OUT OF STRONGHOLD… it has got such a strong hold.. too strong.. :_(
Unfortunately i’m not trolling. I already reported the bug in other threads and sent the bug ticket. ANet just ignored me and others with the same problem. I hope this situation will change now.
Got unstuck. Back to HotM.
If still stuck, check the link above from PvP section.
You’ve really been stuck like this for two WEEKS?
Yes.. it says “Match is in progress” and i can not play PvP. I can play the rest of the game tho.
It works now. Thank you to the Devs who finally solve this problem. If any of you still have this issue, go to the PvP section and post your account name