the battle for claw island

the battle for claw island

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Posted by: humanevil.8461


i just started to catch up on my personal story and started the the battle for claw island and i was stuck fighting for a very long time it didnt move on . is this a bugged mission ?

the battle for claw island

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Posted by: Nezumi.5089


Is this after you’ve lit the towers? If so you need to move into the green circle, not just fight on the edges

the battle for claw island

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Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


There is a part of the mission after you destroy the ship and light the towers where you have to “hold out” for a while. There isn’t a timer, you just fight (in the cirlce Nezumi mentioned) for a while.

I found this was actually more of a “stay alive” until the quest changes thing than a kill them all thing. After a while, it will come up and say okay you need to leave type stuff. It takes a good amount of time though…

the battle for claw island

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humanevil.8461


the first bit is fine where the ship throws the undead in to the fort then ive killed them all and the only ones left are on the beach so i head down their and start killing and from then it just keeps going and going and going

the battle for claw island

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Posted by: Smog.4058


I think you have to save the chick on the beach and then fire a catapult at the ship in the harbor

the battle for claw island

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Masterpyro.4310


This mission was so fun. Loved the endless horde. Took forever. However I do believe there is some type of bug as there is no indication of exactly what to do. After fighting for about 15 minutes I finally died and once I respawned was when it finally moved on to the part where I had to rez the woman on the beach.

the battle for claw island

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humanevil.8461


yea this time round i had the save the bird bit pop up as before it never thx anyways guys !!

the battle for claw island

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tota.4893


The “saving the chick at the beach” part took ages for me. Somehow she’d managed to die near the shore, almost exactly where the endless mobs appeared, so I couldn’t do much except repeatedly spend a second or two rezzing her and then dodge away from the incoming spawns.

When the last stand at the courtyard started, there was absolutely no last-stand fighting going on in the yard; all the remaining guards were standing idle on top of the wall. Even after the wall broke up they were standing there. In mid-air. The undead mostly just stood in a fairly regular grid formation (I guess in the positions the script spawned them in) in the yard.

The final escape was about the only part of the quest that worked. Quality.

Besides the initial abomination attack, the NPCs basically did nothing. Random 1+7 vs. Am Fah at the Bukdek Byway somehow felt more epic than this.