transmutation stones conversion
agreed, same thing happened to me, but I only had 4 charges to get.
Looked but did not see that another member had posted this issue already. You may combine my post with the other one since it was done first. But I do hope that you will do something for those of us that have lost our stones. I would hope you could check the files and know how many stones we had.
If you look at your wallet tab I think it’s a new currency and that is where they go!
they dont appear in your inventory, they show up in your wallet were all your currency is…
entropxi and Shrrek,
Thanks for that information. Will check it out this evening. Whats confusing is the 5 free ones you get ended up in inventory.
For clarification, here is how it’s working now:
Getting the free transm. charges from Gem Store sends it to you via mail. Taking them from mail put them into you inventory. You must double click (use) it in order to get the charges. The opened item vanishes from inventory and the new currency in your wallet is increased.
Double clicking Transmutation Stones or Crystals convert them into Charges, the item vanishes and it’s directly converted to charges that increases the currency in your wallet. For Crystals the rate is 1 Crystal for 1 Charge. With Stones it is 3 Stones for 1 Charge.
I got T charges from my T stones, T crystals, T splitters, and 5 free charges. 149 charges in total. how they get there is a bit wonky… converting T stones, T crystals and T splitters goes directly into your wallet. the 5 free charges from the gem store were an item in your inventory you have to consume 5 times.
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