world completion

world completion

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kharyunn.1364


Hey there i am not sure if it is bugged or not but i have completed every zone 100% but my map shows that i have 99% done with 2 missing POI’s. I have been though every zone to recheck and nothing is missed. also i have went into the place to get your world completion reward, and it gave me one with just xp in it there was no other reward. I am not sure what to do at this point, and yes i have all the pvp ones aswell..
if anyone could please shed some light on the situation at hand that would be much appreciatied.

world completion

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Risika.8621


You probably don’t have the order of whispers hideout. You can get there through an asura gate in fort trinity.

Risika – 80 Ranger – Ehmry Bay – Sea of Stars [SoS]

world completion

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kharyunn.1364


I did go there and do that just wondering what i am missing for everything