Any tips for fps improvement?

Any tips for fps improvement?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caesura.8495


I just recently got a new retina MBP. I haven’t play gw2 in over a year, my chief complaint being that it ran terribly on OSX and I was sick of running in sub-sample with absolute minimal graphics and only getting 15-20 fps. I decided however to give it a try since I got an upgrade.

My new mbp is much better than my last but I still have to run it with the lowest settings and barely get 25 fps. Is there anything I can do about this? Why is it so horrible compared to other games? Or is my hardware that bad?

Processor 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics Intel Iris 1536 MB

Any tips for fps improvement?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


What resolution are you running the game at? Because if you’re trying to run it at the max retina resolution then that’s why your FPS is so horrible. Lower it to 1440 or whatever number it is that is technically ‘native’ on the retina display.

Any tips for fps improvement?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yifang.8260


For me running the game with no browser open is the biggest change, was used to <15 as standard somehow that was more than enough for most things except the fast paced jps namely that clock tower but as of september’s patch the game runs very poorly when other net related apps are on, playing without my browser open my fps is 20+ at mid-higher settings, 30+ at lowest settings. More importantly my loading times are a lot faster now as are the map generations. Well I’m more than used to low fps but it sure is frustrating in the busy parts of the game namely things like world bosses and wvw so anything over 20 does wonders for me hehe.

(I was barely good enough to beat Liadri with <15 fps with an elementalist)

Any tips for fps improvement?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


you might as well give up again my friend….

i’ve quit and come back to gw2 several times, and all for the same reason… the FPS is UNBEREABLE!

They never paid any attention to it. and now after a long time that i’ve quit, and by checking the forums… kitten won’t be done anytime soon.

It’s very sad to admit that we’ve been ripped off but that’s the truth
I’m very frustrated right now because i came back to the forums to see if the game now runs decently on mac (fixing the fps issue) and i see that it’s EXACTLY (im not exaggerating) THE SAME kitten AS IT WAS SEPTEMBER 2012!

Any tips for fps improvement?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: James.3940


Or is my hardware that bad?

Graphics Intel Iris 1536 MB

This is the reason your FPS is so low. Integrated graphics, especially the ones in newer Macs are much better than they used to be but they are still not that good for more intense programs and games. I have a 2012 rMPB with the nVidia GT 650M and it runs the game on max (with the exception of shadows and reflections) at 1280p. You could try booting into Windows which would give a decent increase in FPS but for me it isn’t worth it.

15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display
2.6GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7, TB 3.6GHz

Any tips for fps improvement?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yifang.8260


you might as well give up again my friend….

i’ve quit and come back to gw2 several times, and all for the same reason… the FPS is UNBEREABLE!

They never paid any attention to it. and now after a long time that i’ve quit, and by checking the forums… kitten won’t be done anytime soon.

It’s very sad to admit that we’ve been ripped off but that’s the truth
I’m very frustrated right now because i came back to the forums to see if the game now runs decently on mac (fixing the fps issue) and i see that it’s EXACTLY (im not exaggerating) THE SAME kitten AS IT WAS SEPTEMBER 2012!

At least I got the game at a discounted value, small consolation but yeah had the trial period been this year especially after september’s pack AND that new tp I’d never have got it.