Huge Mac Issue
Do you get any sort of error message when it does .. and what sort of things where you doing when it closes on you .. if you can provide a little more specifics I think others might share their like experiences.
D: fix pls!
15 chars
Èl Cid
Please give us some details so we can try to help you. System specs, error codes, any symptoms prior to the crash? Anything you think might be of note… Also, you may want to check your arenanet crash log and your console for any errors generated.
Kid, I believe I have had the same sort of issue as you.
It began really a few days ago but that was when I first began to heavily play on my Mac. I would be playing with a friend and all of the sudden have the game crash/close with no error code given. My friend’s Mac never had this issue but it continued to happen to mine. I assumed that it was an overheating problem and the error was actually the Mac shutting down the game. I’m not sure but if someone else is having this issue than maybe it really is client related…
As others have posted, any more information like computer model or what you are doing when the close out occurs would be perfect.
I really think you should check your console files because even if the client isn’t registering a crash, the console might be picking up a memory error or some other random issue.
(I found my wireless router issue using this method, I had chronic disconnects since launch that no one else had, even my hubs on the same network had no issues, found out why with a little determination)
So the issue is still persisting! It happens when I’m doing anything that involves a physical group, so wvw and any dungeon. No login issues or anything like that. In terms of trying to fix the issue, I have no idea how to get into the bowels of the games folders, stopped doing that when I really screwed up WoW back when.
Thanks for the input thus far though, I really appreciate it.
Almost forgot…no error messages just a straight crash and no crash report that pops up afterward.
Well Kid,
All I know is that you and I are having the exact same problem. I am trying some different things to see if it is an overheating problem and if I can figure that out I will let you know so that you could begin testing on your side.
Well Kid,
All I know is that you and I are having the exact same problem. I am trying some different things to see if it is an overheating problem and if I can figure that out I will let you know so that you could begin testing on your side.
Do you have anything installed that shows your temps? I use iStat pro. You can check your internal temps, fan speeds, cpu usage, and memory usage by opening dashboard. The measurements are in Celsius. So if you get a crash you can open it right after and see what temps you are running at the time of the crash.
Perhaps if you keep a log using these stats when you get a crash you can see if there there is something in common. Maybe check stats before game play, during moderate game play, and after crash.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
Well Kid,
All I know is that you and I are having the exact same problem. I am trying some different things to see if it is an overheating problem and if I can figure that out I will let you know so that you could begin testing on your side.
Do you have anything installed that shows your temps? I use iStat pro. You can check your internal temps, fan speeds, cpu usage, and memory usage by opening dashboard. The measurements are in Celsius. So if you get a crash you can open it right after and see what temps you are running at the time of the crash.
Perhaps if you keep a log using these stats when you get a crash you can see if there there is something in common. Maybe check stats before game play, during moderate game play, and after crash.
That is a great idea. Right now I use SMC Fan Control which allows me to regulate how many RPMs my fans go and shows me the current temp of my computer in either C or F. I always feel that when I crash the computer is reaching about 180-190 F. I will start to keep a log like you said. When playing last night from a relatively low temp, after about an hour of playing I had a crash. I noticed the temp was at about that range but then quickly cooled off to about 160 and next time tried providing a little extra ventilation by propping up my laptop and had no other crash issues. More testing will follow with keeping the log.
That is a great idea. Right now I use SMC Fan Control which allows me to regulate how many RPMs my fans go and shows me the current temp of my computer in either C or F. I always feel that when I crash the computer is reaching about 180-190 F. I will start to keep a log like you said. When playing last night from a relatively low temp, after about an hour of playing I had a crash. I noticed the temp was at about that range but then quickly cooled off to about 160 and next time tried providing a little extra ventilation by propping up my laptop and had no other crash issues. More testing will follow with keeping the log.
Does your app show temps for various areas of your computer like hard drive temp, GPU temp (that’s probably an important one you want to monitor), ambient temp etc..? Those are helpful to know as well. From my experience 180-190 is running a bit hotter than you would like. 160 at idle is still pretty hot but not too bad. Of course I’m going off iMac numbers. I don’t use my Macbook for anything heavy duty so I’ve never looked at it.
My MBP runs at about those temps and sometimes just slightly higher, yet I don’t have this issue. Verify your GPU temps though.
Otherwise, have you tried the basic Mac troubleshooting steps?
Just so you don’t have to wait, I’ll post the LONG descriptive list now ;p
1.) run software update to ensure all drivers and os are up to date.
2.) try repairing disk permissions via Disk Utility first. Then…
3.) repair the client install
Open Terminal
Type the following:
/applications/guild\ wars\ —use-dos-cwd C:Gw2 -- C:\\GW2\\GW2.exe -repair
You can copy and paste that in, but (check the dash) you must change the dash before the word USE or this will fail the forum shows an em dash (—), but it is supposed to be 2 consecutive en dashes (-). Run it and let it go until finished. FYI if you type the command yourself or paste it, they are 2 dashes (-) side by side… I’m noticing one sometimes looks like an em dash… It’s 2 en dashes though. (the dash before USE is 2 regular dashes)… Reiterated due to previous confusion about that dash on these forums.
4.)Perhaps after doing that, if it doesn’t work, you can try to delete the contents of the gw2 data folder, it’s a pain to get to the right one: this step is a general fix for many t kitten ues, even without the previous steps
Mine is located under the hidden Library folder (navigate using finder, do not use spotlight to search)
/[yourharddrivename]/users/[yourusername]/library/application support/guild wars 2
You may want to copy/paste this folder to your desktop as a temporary back up, just in case.
Delete the contents of that specific folder (you should see files like this contained within “config, dyndata.dat, user.reg, userdef.reg, and folders p_drive and wineserver…namestuff…loca..[long name]” just to list a few), then re-run the client..
~~Your folder is probably hidden (as is the default). Hidden folders display as greyed out text and icons. I found this after googling:
Others claim alt+clicking a file/folder unhides the contents, but that was never successful for me. At least the link has visuals for you. Hope it helps.
5.) check for instructions on how to reset your pram and smc.
6.) If none of this works, check the sticky and submit a ticket, then please come back here and report the fix that worked for you.
I mean at idle my rMBP runs at about 110-125 F. And all of the drivers should be up to date because I only purchased the computer about a week and a half ago. I did just copy the .dat for GW2 and everything else from my computer via a drive but I will try the repair trick and everything else just to see.
Trog, I’m not sure if it shows the different temperatures. I will check that out and get back to you. What app are you running to show the temperature?
EDIT: I also looked for possible software updates and so far everything is up to date. Attempting to move on to steps 2 and 3.
I mean at idle my rMBP runs at about 110-125 F. And all of the drivers should be up to date because I only purchased the computer about a week and a half ago. I did just copy the .dat for GW2 and everything else from my computer via a drive but I will try the repair trick and everything else just to see.
Trog, I’m not sure if it shows the different temperatures. I will check that out and get back to you. What app are you running to show the temperature?
EDIT: I also looked for possible software updates and so far everything is up to date. Attempting to move on to steps 2 and 3.
iStat pro you can run it in the dashboard for quick access. It shows many stats regarding system performance. I’d check the GPU temp and see what’s going on there.
iStat Pro is actually bugged on the widget downloading site now. It continues to say that it can’t find where to download the file from. I have checked multiple places online but maybe Apple will have that issue sorted out soon.
EDIT: Sorry, after further checking, found another site to download it from and have it up and running. I will keep begin my log with tonights playing. Notice, I changed the temp to F because it is easier for me to understand without having to do any calculations.
(edited by davidroberts.6170)
I’m my MBP, my GPU runs a few degrees cooler than my CPU. It may be nothing at all though, just coincidence.
Same problem on my side, since the last update (I didn’t played since 3-4 months so it’s maybe not new), my iMac is warm but I never got those crashes before, and I was 90% time in WvW.
So how the heck this issue is solvable ? I tried to change settings and everything else shown in this forum, but I prefer kill myself than turn all settings to low to be able to play… :-(
My specs by the way :
27-inch, mid 2011
Processor 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 24 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB
Software OS X 10.7.5 (11G63b)
I run an MBP late 2011 with way less specs than that and I keep my settings on medium (on average), I get ~30fps. Yeah, it’s not the 60 fps my hubs gets on his MBPr or a pc with high settings, but it suits me better than low (I’d cry if I had to run low).
I was playing WvW for awhile with these settings… I refuse to lower all of my settings, but I did adjust the WvW culling settings to medium and low. I haven’t played much since April, but I wasn’t getting that much crashing then… Before the march 26th update I had a ton, after I had a few model reference and memory errors, but that’s pretty much it. I was getting between 20-30 fps and variations during large zergs. But never closing out unless there was a crash.
Try watching your GPU and CPU temps and let us know what they look like while the comp is idle and after you’ve played the game for over 10 minutes. And any other symptoms you may notice (fps dips, etc).
Also, I just remembered this, I notice on my Mac, my inactive memory takes over and won’t relinquish when it’s needed… I end up running out of memory (was a huge issue with 4gb, but 8 isn’t as bad). When this happens, my system while running gw2 will lag so bad the game is unplayable. Check your Activity Monitor and view the memory tab, if your blue/ inactive memory is large and your green is tiny (I’d go down to 10mb at times), you need to open terminal and purge to free it. That fixes my lag and fps dip issues usually… You have 24gb, I don’t see how you could ever have this, but worth a check anyway.
Also, check your console log for errors around the time of a crash.
Can those of you who are having issues try the suggestions I’ve put in that post. If they work then post a comment and bump it back into relevance.
Can I also suggest that you try launching the game first with the charger plugged in and then again with it unplugged (if you’re using a MBP, if you’re using an iMac, Mac Mini and Mac Tower then ignore this bit).
I somewhat doubt that it’s the temperature of your mac causing the crashes, I’ve never had temperature problems and you would have to be in a rather hot area before it seriously affected it.
Make sure when you are playing GW2 you have quit all other programs (including anything you have running in the menu bar, it will help and it doesn’t hurt to quit things just to try it out). Make sure your computer has been shut down recently (since some people think its logical to leave them turned on forever).
Also, Lear how long are you leaving it at that screen? If I recall it does actually load into a blank screen the first time when there is an update to the launcher and it has to be left for a while to download the update. If you can try and figure out from screenshot where the username, password and play button would be located and see if it lets you enter the information and hit play even though you can’t see it/
FlamingFoxx this worked for only 6 hrs now i am getting a error
My MBP runs at about those temps and sometimes just slightly higher, yet I don’t have this issue. Verify your GPU temps though.
Otherwise, have you tried the basic Mac troubleshooting steps?
Just so you don’t have to wait, I’ll post the LONG descriptive list now ;p
1.) run software update to ensure all drivers and os are up to date.
2.) try repairing disk permissions via Disk Utility first. Then…
3.) repair the client install
Open Terminal
Type the following:
/applications/guild\ wars\ —use-dos-cwd C:Gw2 — C:\\GW2\\GW2.exe -repair
You can copy and paste that in, but (check the dash) you must change the dash before the word USE or this will fail the forum shows an em dash (—), but it is supposed to be 2 consecutive en dashes (-). Run it and let it go until finished. FYI if you type the command yourself or paste it, they are 2 dashes (-) side by side… I’m noticing one sometimes looks like an em dash… It’s 2 en dashes though. (the dash before USE is 2 regular dashes)… Reiterated due to previous confusion about that dash on these forums.
4.)Perhaps after doing that, if it doesn’t work, you can try to delete the contents of the gw2 data folder, it’s a pain to get to the right one: this step is a general fix for many t kitten ues, even without the previous steps
Mine is located under the hidden Library folder (navigate using finder, do not use spotlight to search)
/[yourharddrivename]/users/[yourusername]/library/application support/guild wars 2
You may want to copy/paste this folder to your desktop as a temporary back up, just in case.
Delete the contents of that specific folder (you should see files like this contained within “config, dyndata.dat, user.reg, userdef.reg, and folders p_drive and wineserver…namestuff…loca..[long name]” just to list a few), then re-run the client..
~~Your folder is probably hidden (as is the default). Hidden folders display as greyed out text and icons. I found this after googling:
Others claim alt+clicking a file/folder unhides the contents, but that was never successful for me. At least the link has visuals for you. Hope it helps.
5.) check for instructions on how to reset your pram and smc.
6.) If none of this works, check the sticky and submit a ticket, then please come back here and report the fix that worked for you.
That looks like a connection error. Make sure you temporarily disable any antivirus and firewall software (some routers come with a firewall enabled, may need to check that as well), at the very least, make exceptions for gw2.
Yup what Kylla said.
This is probably something to do with your router settings or your mac’s network settings (although if you’ve never touched your mac’s settings it won’t be those).
4.)Perhaps after doing that, if it doesn’t work, you can try to delete the contents of the gw2 data folder…
This solved my Mac Beta crashing problems like a charm. Thank you so much, Kyllaa!
Yay! Glad to hear