Movement with mouse
Hey Tryst,
I’m curious, when you use both mouse buttons to move does nothing at all happen? Or are you getting camera movement as if only one of the buttons is being pressed?
I have the stutter step issue too sometimes, but I’ll get that with the keyboard and/or mouse randomly. It usually occurs while navigating a jumping puzzle which causes me to “trip” on the next jump… Typically, I have to start over.
It seems like after I release my keys or mouse buttons quickly to cease any movement, then start again quickly, it only registers the forward movement without the jump. To e, it feels like if too many keys are pressed simultaneously, the game “loses” some of the key presses or only registers a set number at a time, therefore the keys/buttons that got triggered first register, the rest vanish into key press limbo never to be seen again.
But that is just my guess. However, I am curious to see what our new buddy Luis thinks after your response.
Hey Tryst,
I’m curious, when you use both mouse buttons to move does nothing at all happen? Or are you getting camera movement as if only one of the buttons is being pressed?
Thanks for answering.
Sometimes, nothing at all happens but more times than not its almost as if the character takes one step then stops. In trying to troubleshoot this I find that if I press both buttons down in a bit of an awkward manner (really at the front edge of the mouse buttons) it works fairly reliably. I don’t know if this is an issue with sensitivity of pressing the buttons down between the game client and the mouse or if it may be an issue with the mouse itself (although have never had this issue anywhere before).
I usually press both buttons down at the center of each of the buttons and it is when I do it this way it’s as if the client recognizes the command for one step and then thinks for whatever reason that the buttons are no longer being pressed so my character then stops running.
Not sure if I am explaining it well, but it is not like moving my camera to view. When I move my camera to look around I do not have any issue at all.
Hey Tryst,
I’ve forwarded this issue to our hardware testing lab to see if they can reproduce the issue, hopefully they can help shed some light on what is going on exactly. As soon as I have any kind of an update on it I’ll update this thread and let you guys know what we’ve found. Are you using any of the Razer software with your mouse? and have you experienced this issue with any other mice?
I had a similar problem with a Microsoft mouse a few months back. I discovered the mouse was defective and was able to get it replaced.
But it is hard to trouble shoot that unless you use the same mouse and functions identically in another game. What I saw was a similar movement issue in the other games..that is how I figured I had a defective mouse.
Hope they can help you. I use both mouse buttons depressed to move in GW2…I’ve never gotten the wsad movement figured out. It is very awkward for me.
Hey Tryst,
I’ve forwarded this issue to our hardware testing lab to see if they can reproduce the issue, hopefully they can help shed some light on what is going on exactly. As soon as I have any kind of an update on it I’ll update this thread and let you guys know what we’ve found. Are you using any of the Razer software with your mouse? and have you experienced this issue with any other mice?
Actually I just realized I have a Mamba, not a Naga, but no I do not use any Razer software with it (just download latest drivers and firmware).
I have not tried a different mouse yet, but am going to pick one up from a local store to see if I have the same issue in game with another mouse.
I have ot had this issue with this particular other mouse in any other game or application I have played on my computer which is why I don’t think it is mouse specific in terms of the hardware on my end but I will double check and let you know what of anything different I find.
Thanks again for looking into this.
Hey Tryst,
I was curious if you had any update on this issue. Our Hardware lab was not able to reproduce the issue on our end at all. On another thread it looks like the cause may be related to the mouse software and the profiles setup, if you run the mouse with just the plug and play drivers does your issue persists?
And, yes, the issue does persist even with generic plug and play drivers even on a fresh windows installation where the only thing that has been installed is Guild Wars 2 (no anti-virus, firewalls or anything). Please read the responses in that thread that has been around since the game released, we’ve all done most of the testing for you and we’re getting no response on the matter.
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I get this issue from time to time with a Logitech G500. It’s not really a GW2 issue even though it seems like it. GW2 sort of changes the way you use your mouse, not many other games have you holding right click all the time nor do they do so at the same level of stress/posture .etc.
The solution is to take a can of compressed air and blow it through the sides of the mouse buttons. Often times I can pull a hair or two out of the bottom (the weight compartment) and then the problem is fixed.
This is somewhat different of an issue what was reported on this thread, the devs are currently aware of, and looking into the mouse issue posted but in regards to this thread it appears to be a Mac specific issue.
This is somewhat different of an issue what was reported on this thread, the devs are currently aware of, and looking into the mouse issue posted but in regards to this thread it appears to be a Mac specific issue.
My bad, just thought it sounded a lot like it Hope you find your bug.