TgUpdate 1.11 everytime i open the launcher
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Stem Knives.7392
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Stem Knives.7392
Just wanted to chime in that this fix (manual patch) worked for me flawlessly. I can purchase gems again, the tgUpdate at startup is gone and so far, haven’t gotten the spinning mouse of motion sickness yet.
(Macbook Pro Early 2013 – OS X Mavericks)
Thanks for the feedback!
I can confirm this also works for me. I was previously unable to buy gems and I got the spinning mouse. After downloading the TG update and applying it, I no longer get the loading TG update, I can buy gems and the mouse doesn’t do the spinny thing.
I can see why some people would be upset if they though that the devs were not working on this. It’s possible they need a bit more communication with Mac users. As a programer though, I do realize this stuff doesn’t get solved over night.
P.S. Once this fix allowed me to, I purchased around 10,000 gems that I’d been waiting to buy. I think you’ll find that Mac users can be very loyal when treated right.
This workaround helped with the tgUpdate.
The camera-issues have also been resolved.
The issue with the BLTC however is still present. Gem trading and auction doesn’t load, the first window (in game gem purchases) just loads the bar in the top of the window.
I have to add though, that I have had this problem a long time and it has come and gone erratically. I don’t know what triggers it.
Mac i3, 4GB, OS X 10.9.1
I can’t reinstall the client to get the 009524 version. Continuous crashes, uncontrolled camera… Very frustrating.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Tiki Gamer.6081
Just to confirm – I followed the instructions above and it has fixed all the items I previously reported since the last update (spinning camera, gem store/auction house and tg updater).
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Che Guevara.7394
From the QA team:
“We’ve determined the problem that is outlined in this thread (and a few others) is an issue connected with the TG Updater on Mavericks OS X. We’re currently working on a fix.
The Update can be manually patched by using the steps below:
1. Check current version # of TG Wrapper by navigating to Applications -> Guild Wars 2 -> Get Info
2. If the version is older than 1.0.009524, download TG Update. You can get the TG Update here: After downloading, manually unpack the .TGZ file by double-clicking on it
4. Updater should now be unzipped and visible. Double-click updater and you will be prompted to select your output app
5. Navigate to where your Guild Wars 2 client is located. (default location is Applications -> Guild Wars 2)6. After selecting Guild Wars 2 you may be prompted by your Mac to allow the update to make changes, if so enter your password and the updater should resume updating. Note: If you are getting a message: “” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer". You must allow third party apps in your System Preferences->Security & Privacy->“Allow apps downloaded from anywhere”
7. Once patching has been completed confirm that TG Wrapper version has updated to Version 1.0.009524 by re-following step #18. After the update is completed try launching the game client
I believe that user’s work around (above) for the update should work pending the updater not working. I was able to update the TG Wrapper on our Mac with Mavericks from the old wrapper with just unzipping the updater and applying the update.
This worked great! I can buy gems now, too! Thanks!
This is great communication and thanks to all of you for passing along these notes. I’m going to sum it up (and do feel free to correct me if I have any of this wrong):
ZaidDyan — solved (not sure which issues, but I’m glad you’re good to go). Will pass along your suggestions.
Stem Knives — solved all three: update issue, camera issue, gem purchases (thank you!)
praus — solved all three: update issue, camera issue, and gem purchases (thank you, too — very nice!).
Helgan — solved two of three: update issue and camera issue. Did not solve a sporadic issue with the Gem Store. I’m flagging this but wonder if you’ve been in touch with CS. If so, do you have any ticket numbers so I can peek at the ticket(s)?
JRM — can’t install the client. Dang it! Can you please contact our Mac specialist on the Tech Support Team. We will work with you on this.
Tiki Gamer — solved all three: update issue, camera issue, gem purchases (and another thank you to you!)
Che Guevara — solved all three: update issue, camera issue, gem purchases (and one more thank you!)
I’m happy to see we are finally getting communication here. I have a temper and i apologies for some of my actions here on the forums.
I would still like to know if there are any plans… at all, for a native client.
Thank you for the recent support. I still don’t like that i’m playing on a windows client.
Just to chime in, JRM, could you elaborate on what error message you are seeing?
ZaidDyan — solved (not sure which issues, but I’m glad you’re good to go). Will pass along your suggestions.
As best I could tell I was only having the tgupdate issue. The spinny mouse thing has actually happened to me in the past – but only if I’m using the trackpad on my MBA and it’s sporadic at that. I played for an hour or two before applying the patch and did not encounter the spinny mouse.
I hadn’t tried to buy gems before the fix, however I can confirm I can see the gem purchase options when I click on “buy gems”. My understanding is that the bug was that the payment options screen wasn’t there if you clicked… just an empty brown window. This is definitely not the case post-fix.
Hope that helps your devs and QA team. Cheers
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Stem Knives.7392
If you ever have the spinning mouse issue, just cmd – tab out of GW2 and cmd-tab back in. At least, that fixed it for me when it started spinning. (it no longer does after the patch, so… do the patch thing ).
the GWII-Update-009524.tgz fix resolved all my issues.. “never ending patcher” .. “gem store” .. . and the spin-till-you-vomit mouse issue seems to have vanished .. thanks everyone who figured this out and got it patched ..
Just to chime in, JRM, could you elaborate on what error message you are seeing?
Exception: c0000005
When installing, and when crashing.
This is great communication and thanks to all of you for passing along these notes. I’m going to sum it up (and do feel free to correct me if I have any of this wrong):
Helgan — solved two of three: update issue and camera issue. Did not solve a sporadic issue with the Gem Store. I’m flagging this but wonder if you’ve been in touch with CS. If so, do you have any ticket numbers so I can peek at the ticket(s)?
I have not been in touch with CS since it wasn’t that important for me atm. I will keep my eye on it to figure out if it happens only in busy instances, certain times of the day, if it will fix itself if I wait or if I have to restart to get it fixed, things like that.
I have posted bug reports in game, but I don’t hink those count as tickets, do they?
JRM, I used to experience this error during the early beta of the game…which in my case was linked to slow graphics card and high settings in game. I am not suggesting this also is the case here, but there also may be some files missing from the game client, which could be causing this. Could you please do the following:
1. Remove the GW2 client from your hard disk but preserve the GW2.dat file. By default the GW2 client is installed into /Applications folder. Move the GW2.dat file from your existing GW2 client so you don’t have to re-download ~20GB file again. Right click (Control-Click) on the game client, choose “Show Package Contents”, then go to Contents→Resources→transgaming→c_drive→GW2. In this folder, find GW2.dat and move it to Desktop. Then move the Game client to trash.
2. Remove the Guild Wars 2 folder from /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support
3. Remove Guild Wars 2 folder from /Users/yourusername/Documents
4. Get a new copy of GW2 Mac Beta client from the GW2 website and install it. Do not run the game client yet.
5. Repair system permissions on your hard disk by opening Disk Utility from /Applications/Utilities
6. Repair your user home folder permissions by following the instructions on the page You will have to reboot, so you may want to print them and/or have them available on another device.
7. Once you reset the User home permissions, reboot into Mac OS X.
8. Launch the game. It is likely that the game will auto-update, so you will see the tgUpdate window once.
9. When the client starts downloading game files, close it.
10. Move the GW2.dat files back into the new GW2 mac beta client. Follow step 2, but this time you will be moving the file from Desktop to GW2 folder.
Note: If you see the tgUpdate 1.11 every time you launch the client, just use the instructions steps from
Let me know if this was resolved your issue.
Just to chime in, JRM, could you elaborate on what error message you are seeing?
Exception: c0000005
When installing, and when crashing.
(edited by Felicja.6891)
Thanks a bunch Felicja!! That took care of both the update issue and the gemstore.
Thank you, both to Felicja and Gaile. I know it’s gotta be ‘fun’ dealing with complaints and what not. Just know that your works doesn’t go unappreciated.
The fix works just fine for me, stopped the constant updates, and I seem to be able to access the gem store. I hesitantly want to say my Trading Post is working more smoothly now as well, but that might just be me getting lucky. Never had much of a camera problem.
Again, thank you so much for your work!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: HLReality.4285
Hi all,
just to let you know: I followed a lot on these MAC bugs with the “tg update”, “gem purchasing issue” and “mouse spinning” on this forum here. Downloading this patch above (2. If the version is older than 1.0.009524, download TG Update. You can get the TG Update here:, installing it manual fixed all my issues so far on these ones. Thanks to all for helping each other. Macusers still seem to care for each other a lot.
Here is my system configuration (german OS) on the iMAC [& it worked on my Macbook Pro, too]:
Just confirming, that the patch solved the tgupdate-issue for me as well.
OSX 10.9.1
MacBook Pro Mid 2009
2,8 GHz Core2Duo
4 GB 1067 DDR3
GF 9600M GT 512MB
(Yes, GW2 runs on that old lady)
(edited by Smico.2953)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: RatchetFox.4732
From the QA team:
“We’ve determined the problem that is outlined in this thread (and a few others) is an issue connected with the TG Updater on Mavericks OS X. We’re currently working on a fix.
The Update can be manually patched by using the steps below:
Thanks for the work-around, it worked perfectly for me. The tgupdater no longer appears, and the camera seems to have calmed down
I’d also like to note my appreciation for the courtesy and professionalism of ArenaNet’s Gaile Gray. I and others supplied useful technical data requested in e.g. Guild Wars 2 Forum – Mac Beta Client Tech Support – Gem Purchase/Redemption Issues [Merged] which helped the technical staff develop this fix. The resulting correspondence and work-around gives me the sense that community participation really works here.
Thanks again,
it already said about version older than 1.0.009524 but what about the problems if i play with the version 1.0.008467 ?
sorry for my english, it isn’t my language.
And the french forum is so unpopular…
After downloading the patch, manually unpack it by double-clicking. You should find “” after it finishes extracting. Open this app, and when asked point it to you GW2 client. If you are getting a message: “” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer”, you must allow third party apps in your System Preferences->Security & Privacy->“Allow apps downloaded from anywhere”
After the update is completed, try launching the game client.
This definitely worked for me. TgUpdate box no longer shows up. Thank you so much for the best suggestion.
I was able to get BLT by updating my client to version 1.0.09524 as per the instructions posted HERE . I was even able to get into the gem store for the first time but I was still unable to make any purchases. I reinstalled the entire GW2 game, and re-updated the client as per the instructions. After doing that I would occasionally have to relog to gain access to BLT but the gem stored did not work.
Just before posting this I decided to check it one more time and it is now working. I was able to purchase gems and access the rest of the menus through BLT. Thank you so much for working this out of for us MAC folks. I still have not had an opportunity to see if it will work every time or not but will post back after a couple of days with update.
Now if we could just get rid of that occasional glitch where my screen darkens when I do something, normally when closing a window within the game.
Retina 13 inch late:2012 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5
X 10.9
Most current
Mac Gw2 Client 1.0.09524
Hey, when I download the patch listed my mac throws me an error saying it won’t allow me to install it because its by an unrecognised publisher.
Sorry I’m very paranoid about these things, any eta on an official update?
EDIT: Never mind I saw that post up above and go it running. Seems to of fixed it touch wood
(edited by Iluzija.1798)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: UrsaMaritima.8604
I just wanted to add that the fix on page 2 (manually patching TG Update) worked for me. Thank you for the help!
Update on theTP problem:
Not working for me yet…
Pressing ‘O’ gives me the window and the shop is loading and eventually even the bar at the top showing me the different panes in that window. The rest of it stays blank (just background). Other windows will not load at all. The only one that does is the last, showing me how much money I made last time I successfully opened the TP and sold items.
iMac med2010 3,2GHz i3
4GB 1333MHz DDR3
OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
update: restarting my client seemed to work just now, so it’s really a gamble wether it works or not. What is different is that I went to the TP by right-clicking an item I wanted to sell. Restarting again to test some more.
updating the update: I’m officially clueless and have submitted some prayers and a ticket to the higher powers (#201601).
(edited by Helgan.6490)
Thank you Felicia. The patch work perfectly !
Many thanks to Felicja for solving this issue and to ANet for showing up!
Out of the three issues discussed:
- tgUpdate no longer downloads everytime I run. That’s completely fixed.
- I have not had the Tilt-a-whirl mouse issues. That wasn’t a 100% uptime glitch, but I’m assuming it’s fixed.
- I have had trading post issues. Specifically, the trading post worked perfectly fine the first time I ran the game, in Lion’s Arch no less. However, when the Ho-hotron event (and mass of people) wandered by while I was searching for ingots, the auction house froze, the game froze and eventually I had to force-quit. Upon reload, the auction house was giving nothing but the spinning circle. I then re-applied the patch and it worked fine.
I had previously been using ( rm -rf Library/Application\ Support/Guild\ Wars\ 2/* ) in the terminal and that had 80-90% success rate in fixing the problem (unless I tried to load the auction house somewhere where there was a lot of people, like Lion’s Arch). I’m assuming the patch fixes something on these files as well.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: StagehandApollo.1620
I have all these problems as well:
update issue, camera issue, gem purchases
and the fixit didn’t fixit unfortunately.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: FricoRico.6893
I have all these problems as well:
update issue, camera issue, gem purchases
and the fixit didn’t fixit unfortunately.
I would like you to take a look at this thread of mine. Most problems are fixed there, at least explained in detail:
Furthermore, the gem purchase error is reported to be fixed after properly patching the client. Please follow the steps in the post above, as it has been reported working.
(edited by FricoRico.6893)
Applying the tgupdate fix mentioned above fixed all ills with my client.
Also seen an increase frame rates by 5-10 fps (which is a lot for my ancient MBP), but not sure if this is from applying the patch (tgupdate 1.11) or editing the .cfg file to reflect the correct amount of VRAM available… (it’s definitely one of these 2 things though!).
Can confirm that gem store functions properly and not had any further ‘crazy camera’ issue since applying the patch…
Thanks for the info Felicja.
Got a Gem Card for Christmas that I couldn’t redeem & 2 attempts for help with tech support went unanswered.
HI all, esp Felicia
I dl’d that link, and it fixed the TG updater. Gem store screen is loading. However, I am getting third party cookie errors / session expired errors. I only have safari on my Macbook Retina. Do you recommend doing the entire list you had if the link didn’t work to fix the 3rd party error?
My system is set to accept all apps, and cookies from anywhere and still not working.
I was getting this issue on my PC, and now I tried it on my macbook, and finally fixed the TG update issue, I am getting the same issue I got on on my PC with the cookie error. I have been through a couple of weeks with NCsoft trying to help, and they sent me to another forum thread, which had a link for this forum thread. Please help. I am beginning to lose hope. I don’t have time to grind forever and need to be able to purchase or I must stop playing. It why I stopped playing WoW, the grind……..Thanks!
(edited by Xfile.3598)
@ Noisiu: did you get the gem store working after you patched it or are you still having trouble?
@Xfile: sorry, I am not sure where you stopped the process. As I understand from your posting, you manually downloaded the updater and applied it to the old game client. I would recommend that you re-do the process from the beginning if you can. It sounds to me like the browser files that GW2 client is using for the BLTC and Gem Store are corrupt. It should get fixed once the client is re-installed and has correct permissions.
Here is the complete summary of steps that include repairing permissions:
1. Remove your old GW2 client, including the Guild Wars 2 related folders & files.
Note: In the text below, yourusername refers to your own account name on your mac computer. / sign at the beginning of the file path means that the path starts from the root of the disk drive (which in OS X often the disk drive is called Macintosh HD). For instance, if the path says /Applications, it means the Applications folder on Macintosh HD (if Macintosh HD is the label for your system disk).
If you cannot see the Library folder in yourusername’s folder, Go to Finder and from the menu select “Go” then while holding the “Option” key on keyboard, find the “Library” folder.
Folders and files to remove (in quotation marks):
a. “Guild Wars 2” folder in /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support
b. “Guild Wars 2” folder in /Users/yourusername/Documents
c. “com.transgaming.guildwars2” in /Users/yourusername/Library/Caches
d. “com.transgaming.tginstall-guildwars2-shipping” in /Users/yourusername/Library/Caches
e. “com.transgaming.guildwars2.plist” in /Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences
2. Repair system permissions on your hard disk by opening Disk Utility from /Applications/Utilities
3. Repair your user home folder permissions by following the instructions on the page You will have to reboot, so you may want to print them and/or have them available on another device.
4. Once you reset the User home permissions, reboot into Mac OS X.
5. Follow the rest of the instructions as per ANet posting at:
Please report back if you have any trouble. Good luck!
Reason edited: updated instructions to include posted message that ANet had provided.
(edited by Felicja.6891)
THanks much Felicia,
I will retry the entire step. later today after work, or tomorrow considering its New years Eve today and I will be out later. Will let oyu know here when I do. Thanks again! Happy New Years to you!
@ Noisiu: did you get the gem store working after you patched it or are you still having trouble?
@Xfile: sorry, I am not sure where you stopped the process. As I understand from your posting, you manually downloaded the updater and applied it to the old game client. I would recommend that you re-do the process from the beginning if you can. It sounds to me like the browser files that GW2 client is using for the BLTC and Gem Store are corrupt. It should get fixed once the client is re-installed and has correct permissions.
Here is the complete summary of steps that include repairing permissions:1. Get a new copy of GW2 Mac Beta client from the GW2 website. Do not open it yet.
2. Move the GW2.dat file from your existing GW2 client (so you don’t have to re-download ~20GB file again). Right click (Control-Click) on the game client, choose “Show Package Contents”, then go to Contents->Resources->transgaming->c_drive->GW2. In this folder, find GW2.dat and move it to Desktop
3. Remove your old GW2 client, including the Guild Wars 2 related folders & files.Note: If you cannot see the Library folder in yourusername’s folder, Go to Finder and from the menu select “Go” then while holding the “Option” key on keyboard, find the “Library” folder.
Folders and files to remove (in quotation marks):
a. “Guild Wars” from /Applications or the location where you installed it.
b. “Guild Wars 2” folder in /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support
c. “Guild Wars 2” folder in /Users/yourusername/Documents
d. “com.transgaming.guildwars2” in /Users/yourusername/Library/Caches
e. “com.transgaming.tginstall-guildwars2-shipping” in /Users/yourusername/Library/Caches
f. “com.transgaming.guildwars2.plist” in /Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences4. Repair system permissions on your hard disk by opening Disk Utility from /Applications/Utilities
5. Repair your user home folder permissions by following the instructions on the page You will have to reboot, so you may want to print them and/or have them available on another device.
6. Once you reset the User home permissions, reboot into Mac OS X.
7. Install the new GW2 mac beta client from step 1.
8. Download the tgUpdate patch from: To unpack it, double click the file. You should find “” after it finishes extracting. Open this app, and when asked point it to you GW2 client. If you are getting a message: “” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer”, you must allow third party apps in your System Preferences->Security & Privacy->“Allow apps downloaded from Anywhere”9. After the update is completed, try launching the game client. When it starts downloading game files, close it.
10. Move the GW2.dat files back into the new GW2 mac beta client. Follow step 2, but this time you will be moving the file from Desktop to GW2 folder.
11. Launch the game client again. You should be set.
Please report back if you have any trouble. Good luck!
As a note for any really technical, You shouldn’t need to disable the protection against unsigned installations totally to fix the issue with ‘“” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer’ message
All you would need to do is open up Terminal, cd to the location of the (usually cd ~/Downloads) and run xattr -r -c
What this does is remove the attribute from the app and all of its contents (which is what triggers both the ‘you downloaded this, are you sure you want to run it?’ and the ‘this isn’t signed, go away’ message types)
— Lumiere
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Strongholm.8952
Just wanted to log in and thank you guys for this update and fix. Just started playing two weeks ago and this was by far my biggest issue. As one community manager/dev to another, you have my thanks
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Morrissey.1596
Thank you to Felicja and Gaile for the support. The cider dl seems to have fixed the updater, camera and gem buying UI issues for me.
Because this involves the entry of sensitive financial/credit card information to buy gems. I would like an assurance from a red poster that the downloaded file mentioned in Felicja and your own QA person’s reply is safe and has been reviewed to make sure it is not some type of malware that can transmit that info to unauthorized parties.
I am holding off on making purchases until given the official A-OK on this.
@ Felicja
I have tried your remedy in full. I have read from some other folks in this thread that your fix fixed the issue with TG updater and the gem store for them.
I went over your instructions to the tee. (I did not find a GW2 folder in Library).
Anyways, the TG updater issue is resolved, but my Gem store is still not working.
See attachment as I get 3rd party cookie errors. The only browser on this Macbook Retina is Safari, and all its preferences are set to accept cookies from anywhere as well as apps (had to set the app one per your instructions so the patch file worked
Do you have any idea what I can do to fix my Gem Store. I originally had this issue with my PC, and the last 3 weeks have been trying with ArenaNet Customer support. Their last email was for me to retry the temp search and remove the GW2 cache file, which I did. I since decided to try it on my Macbook hoping that it would work. Your solution fixed the TGupdater issue, but my Gemstore is still broken the exact same way as it is on my PC.
So I am hoping since you had the Mac fix, you can help me fix it on my Macbook. Here are my specs and here is the gem store error:
I will let the dev team know that you’re still having trouble with the Gem Store, Xfile, for if you have such an issue, a few others may have it as well.
The devs have tested a build that appears to fix all the issues mentioned in this thread: The access issue, the camera weirdness, and the Gem Store issue as well.
After additional testing (on a secondary test bed, to double-check that all is well) the update will be made live. I don’t think that’s too far in the future, but I’ll see if I can find out more about the timeframe.
Thanks to everyone for your patience with the interim update process and hang in there, more good stuff is coming!
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Thank you to Felicja and Gaile for the support. The cider dl seems to have fixed the updater, camera and gem buying UI issues for me.
Because this involves the entry of sensitive financial/credit card information to buy gems. I would like an assurance from a red poster that the downloaded file mentioned in Felicja and your own QA person’s reply is safe and has been reviewed to make sure it is not some type of malware that can transmit that info to unauthorized parties.
I am holding off on making purchases until given the official A-OK on this.
Morrissey, your question is entirely appropriate and even wise.
Please know that the contents of this post was dev-provided and QA reviewed:
(I already asked the question about malware and links, and as long as you use the process in the official thread, there are no worries about that.) So yes, with those instructions you’re good to go!
Anyone active in this thread: For best practices related to security, please actively link to that official instruction post rather than copying and pasting the information into a new post, linking to an alternative post, or providing the information in an altered form.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Morrissey.1596
Thank you for the quick response and the exemplary handling of this whole thread.
Thanks for your reply Gaile. It gives me a comforting sense that you guys are working on the issue actively. I have to say the Gem store is important to me, as I own my own business, wife and 2 kids and another on the way, and only get an hr per weekday to play, and simply cannot grind for all that I need. I’d also like to see you up the amounts ($100 was the max before).
For reference, here is my current NCSOFT support ticket number if you wish to review all the steps that were taken by myself to fix this issue. A gent by the name of Brian has been trying to help me, and trying very hard. Maybe it may be helpful. While I have not had a solution, I have to say so far I am impressed with the customer service on that ticket.
NCSOFT Support ticket ID: 29165
For reference, we checked all my browsers (i even uninstalled other broswers such as Firefox), we did Winsocket tests, Gameadvisor reports, GW2 Diagnostics and so forth.
I would like to report that following the update my GW2 client has also completely settled down. The gem store and BLT reliably open, there are no spinning and uncontrolled running errors and the client overall seems smoother and loads faster.
Impressive work! I hope ANet can package this with an official updater that addresses other issues at some time in the relatively near future.
Thank you so much for the amazing amount of attention paid to this issue, it’s incredibly convenient that I was able to locate this forum, and fix the problem within 20 minutes of encountering the issue.
Hello all!
I had all of the problems mentioned above: gem store, mouse spinning, and updater. Also starting from december 10 game performance was very poor, I had to revert to lowest graphical settings to be able to play otherwise I had errors which few times even led to Mac restarting.
Thanks to Felicja – all 3 major issues are now gone! But I still have errors and my game quit every now and then in every big fight involving many players, in wvw in quits on a regular basis though before december 10 I only had such situations on a very few occasions such as Jormag or Teq, now even 10 people fight is a risk.
Specs: iMac 27’’ mid 2011, OSX 10.9.1, 3.4 Intel Core i7, 16gb memory, AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024Mb
I’m getting a black screen after using Ficja’s fix and re-installed the game, and manually updated the patch files. When I click on Play on the client, the screen goes black with the resolution apparently simplified greatly, and a large cursor/hand are there, but nothing else. I also have no Guild Wars 2 folder in the Application Support in both of my /Library folders. I found this fix a long time ago that was used to overcome this issue, so I don’t know if this is an issue any longer.
Prior to this GW2 was running fine (albeit with a lot of tweaks posted on this forum). I’m running an iMac 24" 2010 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM with an NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS 512 MB. Please help.
Ferociaz, please check your inbox, I just sent you a private message.
I’m getting a black screen after using Ficja’s fix and re-installed the game, and manually updated the patch files. When I click on Play on the client, the screen goes black with the resolution apparently simplified greatly, and a large cursor/hand are there, but nothing else. I also have no Guild Wars 2 folder in the Application Support in both of my /Library folders. I found this fix a long time ago that was used to overcome this issue, so I don’t know if this is an issue any longer.
Prior to this GW2 was running fine (albeit with a lot of tweaks posted on this forum). I’m running an iMac 24" 2010 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM with an NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS 512 MB. Please help.
Did you follow these steps? They may vary a bit form other posts:
Also, please note that the devs are working on a more permanent fix with less hoop-jumping.
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.