Gem Purchase/Redemption Issues [Merged]
Same problem with the gem store and now today with some other major issues I can not even get the gem store to load.
usually when anything in the BL window doesn’t load, i restart the game until it does. that shouldn’t be a solution though. anet should fix this. ;/
usually when anything in the BL window doesn’t load, i restart the game until it does. that shouldn’t be a solution though. anet should fix this. ;/
The inability to purchase gems started on Tuesday and has continued through multiple log ins and my computer is shut down each night and restarted each morning. So this is something that Anet needs to fix along with the further issues that have started since last night.
Just tossing this out there, wouldn’t it be nice if ANet compensated all the poor, frustrated Mac beta client users with something? Surely keeping us happy throughout all this, excuse my french, BS is as simple as gifting us a holiday town clothing item or something…right ANet?
Cost you nothing, would make use feel a ton better (showing you actually care).
Side note, can’t buy gems. Would have bought 800, converted to gold, bought Giant Wintersday gift boxes BEFORE the Charged Quartz Crystal update removed the chance for them to drop.
Whomp Whomp
usually when anything in the BL window doesn’t load, i restart the game until it does. that shouldn’t be a solution though. anet should fix this. ;/
The inability to purchase gems started on Tuesday and has continued through multiple log ins and my computer is shut down each night and restarted each morning. So this is something that Anet needs to fix along with the further issues that have started since last night.
yea i know about the gems issue. i was talking about the BL as a whole not loading. it’s always been like that for mac users. sometimes it just doesn’t wanna load anything.
BLTC Gem store and TP isn’t working once again, after I had to close the program and open it a second time. Nothing has loaded. This has been a reoccuring issue for me for the past 4 months at least. This must be fixed
Skyhi, I’ve been able to correct the warp speed camera spinning thing by fiddling with my resolution and/or going from full screen to windowed and back. That fixes it temporarily. I hope this helps you. I’m —-→ <—— this close to buying Windows 7 and boot camping my Mac so I can play a fully functional game client. Sad thing is, I don’t know anything about windows. Haven’t tried doing anything serious with Windows since Win95, and I use a Mac at work. So… this will be an adventure!
Thank you for the reports posted after the live build yesterday.
As you’re aware, some Mac users now are able to purchase gems and redeem gem codes, but others still are having difficulties. I’ve collected all of your posts (thanks again!) and have sent them to … a whole bunch of people.
We do not consider this issue done and dusted, but only partially addressed, and we will continue to work on the issues that folks are experiencing.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Hey, folks,
I’m talking to the dev and QA Teams about this issue. They’d like to ask for a bit of information, if you’re willing to share it. (I don’t see anything potentially scary in a security sense in your posting this, or of course I wouldn’t ask!) If you still are unable to properly purchase gems or redeem gem codes or if you are experiencing wild behavior with your mouse, please tell us the following:
- What make or model of Mac are you using?
- What OS are you using?
- What version of the OS are you using?
- What Version of the Mac Gw2 Client are you using? Determine this by doing the following: Go to Applications > Gw2 > Get Info > Look for Version number in Get Info window (it should look something like Version: Gw2 – 1.0.009524)
- If you are having mouse issues, what type of mouse is involved and what version of the Logitech Software you are using.
Here’s a helpful thread: that lets you determine what info would be helpful in troubleshooting these issues.
If you are willing to submit a System Report, that would be great! Get that report by doign the following: Apple Menu > About This Mac > System Report Button > File > Save. Once saved, attach the file to an e-mail and send to SupportLiaison@Arena.Net.
Potential work-arounds:
- If you have any application specific settings set up in the Logitech software, they may be causing the issue so consider removing the application specific settings because that may solve the problem.
- If you are playing the game windowed, try clicking off the screen and back on the screen.
- If you are playing full screen, try cmd + tab to go to the desktop and then go back into the game.
Some threads related to mouse issues:
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
- What make or model of Mac are you using?
27 inch iMac - What OS are you using?
Mavericks - What version of the OS are you using?
What make or model of Mac are you using?
27 inch I Mac
What OS are you using?
OS Mavericks
What version of the OS are you using?
version 10.9
If you are having mouse issues, what type of mouse is involved?
Razer Naga mmog
What Version of the Mac Gw2 Client are you using?
Guild Wars 2 – 1.0.009112
(edited by angelspit.1270)
I stealthily moved this thread to the Mac Support forum (out of Account Support) but I’ll post in the content’s former home so you guys can track this.
Also, please note that I edited my post asking for system information to include some additional questions and some helpful links.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
The latest patch did fix this for me. Thanks for the quick attention!
The latest patch did fix this for me. Thanks for the quick attention!
So good to hear that, thank you for posting!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Still not working for me, but here’s my info that you requested Gaile:
Make/Model: 13-inch MacBook Pro, Mid 2012
Operating System: OS X
Version: OS X 10.9
GW2 Version: 1.0.009112
I have no mouse problems
Hope you guys can get this worked out! Thanks for all your work!
Thanks for these reports so far. We really appreciate you guys chipping in to help us nail these pesky bugs!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
- What make or model of Mac are you using?
27 inch iMac- What OS are you using?
Mavericks- What version of the OS are you using?
Same here, everything on the Mac and the game are current.
What make or model of Mac are you using? IMac late 2012 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
What OS are you using? Mavericks
What version of the OS are you using? 10.9
What Version of the Mac Gw2 Client are you using? 1.0.009112
If you are having mouse issues, what type of mouse is involved and what version of the Logitech Software you are using. The Guildwars2 mouse
I have submitted a support request and attached a system report.
Am having problems since Dec 10 update.
TgUpdate every time I try to load;
cannot buy gems because screen is blank;
mouse changing view abruptly (I seem to be able to overcome this by alt/tabbing to the desktop and clicking on it, then returning to game – thanks to the clever person who suggested this).
(edited by Figlilly.3907)
Macbook Pro 15" (2012 late) 2.3GHz Intel Core i7
GW2 Version: 1.0.009112
PS: TP always show nothing until I restart GW2 , but later it will be broken when I play a while….
“Buy gems” must be fixed first !
Thanks for these updates, and for the system specs that two of you e-mailed me. We will use this info to try to fashion a fix!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Still not working for me either. To buy gems and i want the holiday sales.
Gem Purchase/Redemption Issues [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Wayne Catterton.7846
Not working here on either of my machines:
Mac Pro (2010) 2.4ghz dual quad core.
Mavericks 10.9
Mac Mini (2012) 2ghz Intel i7
Mavericks 10.9
Gem Purchase/Redemption Issues [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Wayne Catterton.7846
Not working here on either of my machines:
Mac Pro (2010) 2.4ghz dual quad core.
Mavericks 10.9
Mac Mini (2012) 2ghz Intel i7
Mavericks 10.9
GW2 Version: 1.0.009112
My Gem store and TP hasn’t worked for over 4 months. I will provide computer info soon when i get on my iMac! But I am NOT running Mavericks and an older version of OS, on a 2012 27" iMac. This issue does have a range of platforms I believe, and not narrowed directly to Mavericks
iMac 27" Late 2013
GW2 version 1.0.009112
I’m having mouse spinny camera issues. I had installed the Logitech Gaming Software (hence uninstalled) on the same day the patch came out. Version 8.50.113
Consider my system profiler report sent.
THANKS for the engagement!
If it helps, my machine (on which it works) is:
Macbook Pro Retina (2012 late) 2.6 GHz i7
Mountain Lion 10.8.5
Well well well… It doesn’t take an IT to put the pieces together. Everyone above that posted there specs have one common spec, 10.9.
Maxinion even posted his specs, and said it works for him on 10.8.5
Obviously, this latest GW2 update (Dec 10th) has some issues with OSX Mavericks.
Question is, are the right people at Transgaming or ANet working on this?
My specs (Same mouse issues since Tuesday, same broken Gem Store)
Retina MBP 2012
2.3GHz Core i7
OSX 10.9
I’ve been having the same issues with the blank buy gems window and the mouse issue. I was working with tech support and we did just about all the troubleshooting you can do, deleting the Application support folder, deleting preferences, new user etc. Then they suggested I post here because none of that solved it.
This is happening on two different iMacs. My home iMac and my iMac at work. I can’t legally give out the specs of the iMac at work because I work for Apple. I can give my home Mac’s spec out though:
iMac 27-inch, Late 2009
Processor 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics ATI Radeon HD 4850 512 MB
Software OS X 10.9
As for the mouse, it’s a Razor Death Adder. I don’t use any software for it besides the built in drivers that come with Mac OS X. I have found that Command + Tab out of and back into the game does temporarily fix the mouse issue until I re-lauch the game.
EDIT: I’m sorry, you did say you wanted the Guild Wars 2 app version number, it’s 1.0.8555 per the Get Info window.
(edited by praus.4562)
Huh. Another 10.9 user with a USB powered mouse input? Who would have guessed?
Thanks Praus for the info.
I’m also a user of the Mac BETA Client (why is it still beta?) and for three days have not been able to buy any gems. The screen is just completely blank. It’s particularly frustrating when there are limited time items in the gem store. Another person I know using the Mac BETA client (seriously why still beta?) has the same exact problem.
Judging by the amount of posts on these two pages, we probably represent a much larger number of users who are trying to give ArenaNet money and cannot.
As of 5 minutes ago, it’s still not working for me and the other Mac user I know having the same problem.
MacBook Pro 13" (Early 2011)
GW2 version: 1.0.009112
No mouse software
I am having the issue of the gem store purchase window being blank and the redeem codes not working (“redeem” button stays gray after entering code). I am not having any camera rotation issues.
Once again, I’d like to say that I’ve had an issue for over 4 months with Buy Gems, Gem Store and TP tabs loading. Both my macs are old. I do not often update my software. I’ve heard of issues before Mavericks was released, so the initial usual problem IS NOT with Mavericks
2012 iMac 27"
10.8 Moutain Lion
gw2 1.0.009524
Late 2010 MacBook Pro 13"
Will update with GW2 version in a sec
(edited by takatsu.9416)
the tgupdate 1.11 is annoying. keeps popping whenever i start the game
Also having the gem issue, the machine I’m playing with currently:
System Version: OS X 10.9 (13A603)
Kernel Version: Darwin 13.0.0
Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,2
Processor Name: Intel Core i7
Processor Speed: 2.3 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 4
L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 8 MB
Memory: 16 GB
AMD Radeon HD 6750M:
Chipset Model: AMD Radeon HD 6750M
I feel this client will be in perpetual beta, both in name and in practice, as long as it’s wine-based instead of a fully native client. While I appreciate the desire to court Mac users, I’ve had too many negative experiences with wine-based ports of games; it’s half-hearted support. As you would expect when you try to take Windows code and make it work on non-Windows targets.
I guess we should be glad it works as well as it does. But having said all that, I hesitate to put any money into GW2 because doing so is almost a vote saying I like this client. I don’t. I want a native client, like what Blizzard provides to its customers.
Ironically, the client won’t let me buy gems even if I wanted to now.
Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro10,1
Processor Name: Intel Core i7
Processor Speed: 2.6 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 4
L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 6 MB
Memory: 16 GB
The TP like everybody elses is blank and sometimes skills stop working for me, not due to lag, usually after throwing snowballs.
contacted to support but it didnt fix the problem.
Mac OS X 10.9
2013 Retina MBP
Processor 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7
Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB
Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Constantly have to relaunch my client to get the trading post to even load properly – and even then, I have not been able to purchase gems for the past few days; I just tried several minutes ago and still am unable to.
still doesn’t work yet, restarted almost 10 times but doesn’t work.
my macbook is as shown on the picture
I am still unable to purchase gems using client “Guild Wars 2 – 1.0.009112”
In addition I am seeing the mouse problems every now and then. I have a Logitech Performance MX, but I am not using the Logitech drivers, just the standard Apple drivers.
Make or model – Mid 2010 27" iMac. 2.93 i7 – 16GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5750 1024MB
OS – 10.9
GW2 Version – Guild Wars 2 – 1.0.009112
Mouse – Razer Naga MMO with standard OSX Mouse Drivers.
I’ve also filed a report in game. And have since learned that the Ctrl-Tab work around works for me until I relaunch the game. I’m also sending in a system report.
What GW2 Version SHOULD we be running?
Thank you Gaile for being our Advocate!
Whatever the tg1.11 update is, it loads every time I start GW2. If it’s meant to fix the “unable to buy gems” or “camera rotation” or frequent “trading post won’t load” problems, it hasn’t for me. I wouldn’t mind it loading every time I started GW2 if it actually fixed anything. But it doesn’t. Every one of those problems still exists.
What make or model of Mac are you using?
MacBook Pro 15-inch, Mid 2012, Processor 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7, Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB
What OS are you using?
What version of the OS are you using?
Software OS X 10.9 (13A603)
What Version of the Mac Gw2 Client are you using?
Gw2 – 1.0.009112)
Crazy camera rotation issues:
Trackpad on laptop. No mouse.
Also screen darkens often, and have to adjust gamma. Was bad before, worse now. It happens when I minimize the game and come back, and now also happens after successfully using the Trading Post window.
(edited by kristalee.4569)
Hi, I am still unable to buy gems and am getting the blank screen. I am finding this more and more frustrating as it seems every time there is a large patch there is some kind of error with buying gems. I do also have the Tp randomly just stop working and the only way to fix is to restart the game (very annoying)
I do occasionally get the spinning mouse issue
What make or model of Mac are you using?
27 inch I Mac Mid 2011
What OS are you using?
OS Mavericks
What version of the OS are you using?
version 10.9
If you are having mouse issues, what type of mouse is involved?
Steel Series GW2 gaming mouse
What Version of the Mac Gw2 Client are you using?
Guild Wars 2 – 1.0.009112
Same problem here and “tgUpdate version 1.11” still comes up every time I start the launcher.
- iMac 27-inch, Late 2012
- OS X 10.9 Mavericks (Version 10.9.0)
- Guild Wars 2 – 1.0.009112
I see a lot of Mavericks, I think the problem is pronounced more obviously with the 10.9. However, i’d like to say that the reports of Gemstore/ TP not loading has been happening for months. This happens on my older OS too for many months, I haven’t upgraded to Mavericks. Please don’t believe it’s just to do with the new OS. The issue is client/code/server side
My Gemstore and TP was working fine today, but just now, I didn’t turn on or off the game or the computer, after an hour, the pages are now loading blank and bugged, the gem store shows all these text, unformated pictures and stuff all in one column. And no other tabs would open. I was in the middle of doing something and now it has prevented me from finishing what I wanted to do.
Similar problem here. Yesterday all was fine, this morning I went online to purchase some gems.
Since then I have the tgupdate 1.11 downloading every time I start the client and when I go in game moving the mouse makes the camera rotate.
iMac 27 Core i5
Mavericks 10.9
Same problem here and “tgUpdate version 1.11” still comes up every time I start the launcher.
- iMac 27-inch, Late 2012
- OS X 10.9 Mavericks (Version 10.9.0)
- Guild Wars 2 – 1.0.009112
Still got the same problem of no text in gem purchase window and like the above poster I also get the update script run each time on start-up. I have also completely rebooted my mac on several occasions.
-iMac 21.5", late 2009
-OSX 10.9 Mavericks
GW2 1.0.009112
I have the same as described above……tg update 1.11 problem….It’s doesn’t depend on my mouses…..I have tried several of them…..My model is already listed so…I just wait….
(****But Beta version should be definately replaced by a stable one*** Mac users have the same dreams in gaming!!!!))))
Some of the problems I have been facing (submitted a ticket for help) have been upon “redeeming” said gems, the page loads blank except for the bottom left corner of the screen which says “enter code” upon entering the code, (also running on a mac) the redeem button fails to light up thus hindering me from redeeming my 25 dollars worth of gems. Same goes for when you want to buy the gems, that page completely comes up blank. There are the major bugs I have witnessed since the change of the billing platform. Also as stated above from users, I am experiencing that same tg 1.11 update every time before launch.
What make or model of Mac are you using?
27 inch I Mac Mid 2011
What OS are you using?
OS Mavericks
What version of the OS are you using?
version 10.9
What Version of the Mac Gw2 Client are you using?
Guild Wars 2 – 1.0.008467
+1 on inability to buy gems in the Mac Client.
+1 also on tgUpdate version 1.11 running on every launch and
+1 on rotation bug making game unplayable as mentioned by skyhi.2467
I would love to be able to purchase gems to get be able to boost my vault stacks to 500, and I would like some mini’s so this really really needs to be fixed asap, or you need to give us a raincheck to be able to purchase items if they expire from the tp before we are able to get gems.
I have tried to purchase gems several times a day since the patch, this is frustrating.